May our meeting be productive, as always,
from what we have understood
that our profound communion is,
attending as we do,
to what this Sphere is and represents:
a force of souls who have coincided
with the sole purpose of establishing a conduit here,
under the shelter of kriya yoga,
with the perfect and absolute assistance
of Mahavatar Babaji, and the radiant wake,
of Immortal Masters.
Just imagine what this protection is today,
what it means to know how to keep oneself in a principle,
not only of faith, but of truth in what Is,
in what we are, in what exists,
within all these Universes
in which we move,
this being part of an active consciousness.
Starting from that, breathe consciously,
attending to your moment and this your will,
which brings you here and sustains you.
Play the game of breathing, that which gives you life,
and take pleasure in your presence of your life,
your strength, your will, and your exact purpose.
You will see how the breath is freed,
becomes absolutely conscious,
and takes on all meaning.
If thoughts come to you,
let them be pure, opportune, wise.
Accept them and offer them for this moment,
until with each breath
they are coupled to your silence,
to what you achieve today, to establish yourself in an intimate connection,
in which you go on perceiving yourself,
making a record of everything you produce,
establishing yourself in your forms,
static, silent, given for this:
a healthy and fair introspection
that always leads you to more, to more of what you are.
The conscious breath that accompanies you,
goes on stabilizing you and taking you
to this state of deep tranquility,
in which you simply observe yourself,
without reasoning too much, without probing into feelings,
rather trying to pass, to transit,
from one state to another,
maintaining the constant of the breath,
that which goes on producing for you, that goes on isolating you,
gathering you up, until it remains in you,
subject there, to all that you are.
Nothing happens, nothing counts,
nothing lurks, nothing disturbs.
There is only that subtle and imperceptible breath,
which leads you to your breath,
and it is in your breath, in which you acquire
the sublime, your pure essence,
left behind in you, safe from the ego,
exploring, experiencing yourself,
over this which you exercise:
your free dominion of consciousness,
your conscious breath, your force produced,
your constant inhabited by you,
trusting in what you are, adjusting resources,
exposing yourself, to do that exercise of self-knowledge,
of feeling, sensing, what is produced, what is created in you,
from what you live, and thus define, decide to act,
knowing that it is what is done here: to take action.
It is when you propose that every action
is absolutely coherent with what you think,
say and try to be, and that is why you do it.
You extend yourself in will, in proposal, in purpose
and you go on elaborating, you go on gaining consistency,
so that what you do, is.
Not even what you want, what you must.
And that this duty is not an imposition from you or anyone else.
Let it be what flows and fills you,
and makes you experience the light that you are,
the truth that you are, that you have obtained
as the purest expression of the truth.
What do you feel? What do you say?
What do you produce? What are you doing?
It is when you manage to feel good.
To feel that which is said to be good,
with which you do not transgress anyone, not even yourself.
You exercise conscious will, you are pleased and,
above all, you love yourself and allow yourself to love.
And to know that it is a current, a constant
that you count on, that you exist in, that you work with.
How can you not breathe freely, peacefully, openly?
How could you not aspire to plenitude, to what peace is?
When you know that you are in good,
you are in truth and you overcome your contradictions,
even your setbacks, because you give yourself the capacity
to overcome everything, to rectify, to redeem,
to attend to yourself more and more,
with more understanding and consciousness.
And all of this is within your reach,
breathing like this, knowing yourself, loving yourself.
So as always,
take a deep breath,
that relocates you here,
in your most perfect present,
in your earned condition,
in your state of worked consciousness
and in the truth that you are.
Esteem yourself more, value yourself more,
do not renounce your exact purpose,
more so, if you know it well, if you sustain it,
if you defend it.
Become present, expressing to yourself as you are able,
want and feel; profound gratitude.
Be grateful for the assistance,
all that you have produced in goodness,
all that you are in goodness and in light.
Om Namaha Shivaya