Visualize yourself for a moment, there where you are,
you must know yourself in your company.
So, breathe, checking your breathing well,
how fluid, how peaceful it is.
Briefly check your mind,
and if you notice it restless, rebellious, resistant,
offer it your breath, make it participate
in the most vital human experience.
Bring your mind to breathing and make it quiet.
That if it interrupts, it be opportune,
be faithful, be conscious.
Observe yourself and do not over breathe
or sigh, nor make noise.
Seek a higher state, dominate your body,
attend to your pulses, perceive your heartbeat,
be silent, silence is made.
Continue to observe yourself, keep breathing,
keep exercising this that is unique:
merging with yourself, encountering yourself, finding yourself.
And in this way you are assisting yourself with what you require,
and believe me, what you want most, is you.
So, breathe like this, knowing that you want that.
So then, how can you not be subtle,
kind, loving to yourself?
If you are the one who holds you,
who encourages you, in that, your breath,
so impeccable, so perfect.
And what about the encounter? You will say.
What should I find in myself?
And you know it well.
When you can, everything,
when you want, nothing.
And you are there, believing yourself to be,
if not, where would you be?
Doing what?
Understand well, what you do while you are like this,
conceiving yourself like this, is making a record of you.
It is when nothing else
becomes present, nor anyone else.
It is your contact, it is the manner of knowing
what determines you, who you are being,
what you are doing and what you are going to do.
That is the record,
and you combine it in time-space.
Imagine then the depth,
all you need from yourself,
and know that it is simply the breath,
like this, conscious, open.
You say, what record?
And every cell, every strand,
every chakra records.
Your whole energy, records.
What for? You say.
And you know it:
Everything depends on that record,
of what your perception is,
of what your contents are,
what you are.
And you breathe becoming
more and more aware of that.
I propose something to you:
What would you like to record today?
What do you need to record?
What urges you?
And let that be expressed, in whatever way,
in your purest interior.
And record it there in that breath
and in the successive ones, consciously,
without disturbing yourself, fully, trust in yourself,
perceive yourself, let that settle.
What do I want to record in myself today?
What do I need to record in myself today?
What am I urged to record?
And it encompasses more:
What do I want to extinguish from my records?
Those that now overwhelm me, bewilder me,
I no longer hold space in myself, nor do I need them.
I have learned more,I have known more,
I have loved myself more.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t even come upon a thought,
the breathing does it.
And the breath is suspended, and you sustain yourself.
It is fabulous; you are fabulous.
My beloved Being,
so firm, so willing,
how could I not make a record of you?
And we join consciousnesses
and this focus is strengthened,
the one which you assist and that assists you.
And you breathe for the greatest record:
I love myself completely, here, today,
being who I am.
And I know that all that love is the Being,
nothing is of me.
You breathe deeply,conscious of being, of being present,
and you thank yourself, you bless yourself, you commit to yourself,
and you offer yourself to you, to your Being.
And you keep yourself in that record
that is forever. Love is forever.
Om Namaha Shivaya