Focus on the tone and on your breathing.
Forgive our resources today, but it is what we have.
 So attend to your breathing,
take deep, conscious breaths,
knowing well why you breathe,
and if you really want to, you are compelled, you enjoy it,
and you manage to remain there in you,
seeking serenity, calm.

Fervently practice your inner gaze.
That is enough for you to remain like this,
with your eyes closed, without tension,
and observing that space,
that you contain and that contains you and that is so of you,
and, at the same time, of the nothing.

Try, with your subtlety, with your breath,
with your freedom, to be there,
producing little by little,
all that warmth you feel from yourself,
the well-being you achieve,
the acceptance that is given to you,
 from what your breath is
and before what you are.

What else are you?
What more do you want to be?
Breathe for that and observe yourself,
knowing that it is more than a sensation,
expand yourself, make everything that runs through you,
feel life, your life, which is the life that Is, 
while the other passes.

Let nothing call you, 
nothing agitate you, complain to you or scandalize you.
Focus on your breath, on your open conduit,
and on the Being that you are.

One by one, let your breaths elevate you, 
lead you, and recognize your Being. 
Let your breath recognize your Being,
just as you let your Being
recognizes your breaths, one by one,
and establish the communion that Is,
with exactitude, with this peacefulness
that you achieve by being like this, so much in you.

What are you coming from?
What is happening to you?
What are you waiting for?
What is the circumstance today?
Is there restlessness or, on the contrary,
 is there tranquility? Is there security, certainty, or what?
Where is your attention today?

And it is that you produce so much,
so much occurs, everything moves,
and sometimes you know why and sometimes you don’t.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Having done this,  executing this act,
situating yourself like this, attending to the constant, 
opening yourself for that, attending to your Being,
breathing in tranquility and perceiving yourself,
in every sense, more so, from your mind.
Considering what you think
and what it makes you feel, esteeming your path,
oncerning yourself with that,
is more than telling yourself about life,
 counting on yourself, narrating the event to you,
containing the Being.

That is life. 
Just as you live it, as you have wanted,
in what your encounter has been,
the desire that is no longer taken from you,
on the contrary, it grows.

And you go on satisfying yourself,
this seems like a delirium.
And you become happy and you become sad,
and you ask yourself and you respond to yourself,
and you become illusioned, and you keep yourself in requests,
and you give yourself in attention, 
and you are there, being so you, being you.

You chose me and I accompany you.
I chose you and you accompany me.
This is life and we are breathing it.
We have just received so much,
so much care, so much assistance, so much blessing.
 And we think that they escape,
they fade, they end, and it isn’t true.
Everything dwells in our permanence,
in ourselves,
in what has been attained, what has been achieved,
what has been sustained.
I assure you.

It also happens to me,
that I miss the feeling,
knowing that it is the only thing that exists.
What is missed is the feeling,
not even the person, it is the feeling.
And when it feels like this, such profusion,
such intensity, with such completeness,
it is believed, it is thought, that it will no longer exist.
On the contrary, it is always more, always.

It should always be more.
You say: How? From where?
From where it always is,
from you, from me, because we trust, 
because we have proven it,
no one told us.
Because it is a truth already spoken,
already made, already felt, pronounced from the Being.
Those are the truths:
That which your Being pronounces, that your Being is
and that your Being does.
That’s the truth.

You have to count on your truth, being it.
Perceive your breath, so imperceptible,
so sure, fully and confidently.
Do you know what that is worth?
Value it.

Today take your breaths,
feeling the Devis as well,
particularly Lakshmi Devi.
Today attend, today provide, today assist.

Take deep, well-felt breaths.
 Always remember to be grateful.
Breathe deeply and give thanks. 

I thank you so much.

Om Namaha Shivaya