Never Break Your Commitment to the Light

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Consciously attend to your breath.
Only that, your subtle and serene breath.
Arriving to the necessary fullness,
maintain yourself in full breath and empty yourself.

Until you feel that you are in you,
until you feel your commitment to yourself,
of knowing how to be with yourself, of knowing how to be in yourself,
and the manner in which you know most is, it is breathing,
until you reach quietude and certain levity.
Let this levity be present in your mind, let it be in your mind.
Nothing pressing, no tension,
until you manage to convince yourself of
how committed you are, to your Being.
May all of your breath be for that.

Do you know what it means to commit yourself in light?

It is when on any given day, you find yourself there,
with you, with anyone and you decide:
I must be, I want to be, I am light.
It is when you begin to become ecstatic,
because you encounter, that part of yourself that is the most beautiful,  
the most luminous, the most trustworthy, the most secure, the purest.

You go on adducing reasons, you go on creating affections,
you go on acquiring your achievements,
because you are there, in that part of you, light.
Feel yourself there, even if you still debate yourself, feel yourself there.

Breathe light and the encounter with your light takes place.  
It is when all those circuits that you attend with your breath in light,
begin to emerge, to unblock, to magnify,.

Your breath in light.
Your breath in light.
Your breath in light.

What exists there, in that part of you?
The most immense and infinite divine game.
And you know it and you want that way.
And you play it like that, consciously.
All of your breath is for that.


Under the subtlest self-commitment.
After all of that, of all that encounter,
you yearn for more, you want more.
It is when you propose to yourself in commitment:
To Be and to make light.
To Be and to make light.
To be and to make light.

How? You will say.
It is when you arrive to an inner force,
known or unknown, and you calibrate it.
What for?
In principle,  to know yourself and to know it,
and ask yourself: Who am I?
And the question remains
until you can take control of your commitment.
More so, if you know how much light you are.
And you breathe in bliss.

It is when that which you want,
leads you to be what you are in truth,
what your truth is.
And you go on like this, exercising your Being, being your Being.  
And you go on in bliss.
Of course, what exists in light is
 pulchritude, purity, strength of love,
power to love, to correspond, to assist, to serve.

And in the measure that you want and are increasingly able,
you express yourself and it is your breath who expresses you.

Blessed force.

And you extend yourself toward what all of your actions are:
beauty, justice, love, commitment in light.
You are divine.
I tell you in seriousness,
you are divine. You are divine.
As long as you honor your commitment,  
you are your truth, and you want to be light.

My beloved:
Never break your commitment to the light.
Never break your commitment to the light.
Never cease to be light.

Listen well:
Tonight you will look to the sky and say your name,  
understanding the purpose:
your most exact and perfect commitment to your Being.
All the light.
All the light.
All the light.

Breathe deeply returning once again,
thanking yourself deeply
and establishing and reestablishing, as always,
your commitment to be and to make light.

Om Namaha Shivaya