If you knew how it rains…
It is that, in this city,
water is a living, sentient element, and it is nourishment.
It rains a lot.
Become in your breath, become there. Be.
Do it freely, with serenity, in your constant,
knowing well why and for what reason, you breathe like this, consciously.
It is because it is the best way to attend to yourself,
to be present, to love yourself.
And you go on disconnecting from your senses.
Let, at least here, the rain flow, let it pass.
Go on deactivating that which connects you here, with each breath.
Go within without holding on to fear.
We fear so much!
It is for this reason that you do not permit yourself to keep yourself there, in you.
Not so much for what you know,
but rather for what you do not know about yourself.
But by breathing, you go on getting closer,
you go on opening up valiantly.
You go on discounting sensations,
assaults from your mind, distractions,
until you manage to remain there, in your serenity.
Breathe arriving to this stable point,
in which you now know how to be.
For what? You will say.
For so much! In reality, for everything.
In principle, in order to tolerate what exists.
And that is in discord with what should exist.
You will say: Do I perhaps know what should exist?
You know.
Then, to resist so much distortion.
From what? You will say.
What is distorted?
The consciousness of the Being.
That is distorted.
How? You will say.
Breathe, because it is there where you could be
distorting everything.
What would it be?
In principle, the force of goodness.
Do you know perhaps, what that is?
It is a current, a constant,
created so that every order of light is enforced.
And, what is more beautiful,
is that the form of enforcing it, is in you.
And you may not know it.
Not even wanting to know it.
Breath because equally you must propose to advance.
To establish, to establish yourself even more,
in what that force of goodness is.
It is that there are circuits.
Those that essentially configure you
and that you have gone turning off or on,
due to all that you have lived.
And that, within your distortion,
you do not distinguish what has been in goodness and what has not.
And you have confused yourself, you have diminished yourself.
I tell you more.
That force of goodness is so accessible,
so faithful, so copious, so divine, so infinite.
Why then would you have to deny yourself of it?
And recognize it well, you have done so.
You would have to see, how much?
Why? What for?
Reinforce, restore, revitalize yourself,
you deserve it, more so today.
Give me your name.
Give me your name.
Give me your name.
Your full name.
There exist unimaginable forces
that have never ceased to consider us,
to attend to us, to assist us, to trust.
There exist worlds of light.
There exist beings, immeasurable in their force of love.
And you exist.
One who breathes like this, consciously, to be there,
in the spaces of the conscious Universe.
In the proposal to dissolve distortion and much more.
Show yourself.
Show yourself in your Being.
Just for you, for no one else.
Because what occurs,
is that you would no longer have anything to show.
You are.
You simply are.
Part of that force.
You are in that force.
You are the goodness.
You are the light.
You are love.
All of this will seem nothing to you,
before what you know Is.
Before what you know Is.
Before what you know Is.
So, show no more tribulations,
before what all this distortion is.
Maintain yourself in light.
Be peace.
Be love.
You breathe deeply,
with new strength,
with an immense force,
with force.
We must continue.
We must continue.
We must continue.
Om Namaha Shivaya