You Are What Your Actions Are

Meditation with Mataji Shaktiananda


Inhale deeply, fill yourself and exhale equally, emptying everything.
So that, when you inhale, you go deep,
and when you exhale, you feel relief, lightness.
Take your time, do it consciously,
until feeling even, how your body is thankful,
because it is the way to free it from so much,
of all that it carries, resists, unloads.

And in doing so you amplify yourself, until the entire breathing exercise
permits you to expand to your most subtle bodies,  
those which are burdened also, with so much influence,
of all that you receive, by being so susceptible to receive,
more so, if they are dispatched.

It is that with your conscious breath, you act more and better.
In this debacle that ends up surrounding us  
and that inhabits us as well.
To know how to breathe like this is to be able to arm yourself,  
it is to gain attitude and even fight
against all that or those who challenge you.

Imagine then, what all of this unconsciousness that exists,
that acts as well, that attacks, can do in you.
And it is not a question of fearing, but of being alert,
of knowing how to distinguish, to even confront with what you are,
with what you achieve, with your breaths,
what sustains you the most, what encourages you the most,
that most provides you with your force.

And hopefully it will be the force of your conscious, luminous, pure love.
Tell me if it is not the best exercise that exists,
above all when you have abandoned,
you have detached from or you have renounced so many other impure acts.

And it is that you know that breathing in this way,
you are capable of distinguishing how much you have made yourself, 
how much you have done.
That breathing like this, you can know yourself.
That breathing like this, you can stop fearing yourself.
That breathing like this, you are what you truly are.

The issue is also, that you want to know who you are,
that you dare that and can produce yourself, and
beyond your own contents and references,
even more of your truth, about you.

And you remain there, so that every breath,
translates to you the Being that you are,
introduces the Being that you are,
manifests the Being that you are.

Maybe being like this, you can believe yourself.
Look how you are now,
a Being in quietude, a Being in silence,
a Being that breathes.

But who are you?
Who will you be when you leave there?
Breathing in this way, you could only be
what your actions are.
Are you comprehending?

Perceive who you are being today,
how you breathe, how you install yourself,
how you reach yourself.

You are so much…
So much in that silence, so much in that quietude.
Beloved, perceive yourself,
because you know that what is difficult
is to be in what your acts are.
This act is -if you will- easy.
The difficulty is resisting the environment.
That which I told you ,
to endure, to tolerate, to resist and combat
that which threatens you so that you are not.
And more so, when it can come, even from you.

Breathe deeply, placating, debilitating,
all that attempts against your Being.
That breath, so conscious and loving,
is so much your Being.

Suspend yourself.
Suspend the breath.
Empower yourself, clothe yourself with your strength,
become aware and preserve that state,
in which you are your truth,
in which you sustain your light
and with which you triumph in love.

Breathe deeply and assure yourself
of preserving what you are.  
Thank yourself for the way in which you trust  
and attend to everything.
These are not times for carelessness.

Breathe deeply.

Om Namaha Shivaya