Attend to your breath, let all of your attention be there,
doing the vital exercise, your sustainment.
Sustain the breath and let each breath sustain you.
Establish that relationship, that correspondence
and keep it present with each breath.
How is your breath?
Review it. If you will, by an impulse,
that comes from within or from without.
Review how much you want to breathe, how much you need it and,
if ultimately you like it, you enjoy it.
Make it more and more imperceptible,
more intimate, taken more toward your interior.
Let your body know that you are breathing, and your mind as well.
That you hold a purpose.
And, in principle it is to sustain yourself.
One must sustain themselves in this world, so faltering,
into which so many fall.
You visualize yourself; you appreciate yourself,
you value what you do and you are moved as well,
because deciding to experience this, is for an achievement.
You experience your quietude, your serenity, your silence,
what your thoughts are, your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath, your blessed breath.
The one that causes you to live, the one that lets you live,
although you do not know what you want.
There are so many who do not know what they want.
Breathe without disturbing yourself, rather pass into a greater state of quietude.
challenging your mind in this way, so that it quiets as well, and it lets you.
Do you believe your mind leaves you?
Do you believe you leave it?
You should believe you do.
Breathe with that purpose.
To the extent that you leave me, I leave you.
What would you be asking of it?
In principle, that it quiets, that it stabilizes, that it does not fear.
That you are there like never before,
and that you are there, to not be.
And it is that you are not. You are not.
Who is there then?
It would be better for you to say no one.
Do not invent anything, or believe to be anyone.
Otherwise, that is when your mind believes you are there and then it begins to occupy you.
It is better that it believes that there is no one, and that you believe it.
Because by being no one, you would open up every possibility
of being nothing, of breathing nothing, of feeling nothing
and that nothing happens, just as you do not believe any of this.
Breathe, because it would not be for you to ignore your reality,
to the contrary, you know the real, the Nothing that Is, All.
It is what inhabits you.
Tell me: How could one fear that?
What would impede you from loving that?
How would you not dare to be that, if it is what Is?
Or is it that you believe all of this?
And on top of that you suffer it, and sometimes you detest it
many others, you rejoice without knowing.
It is that, what would there be to know?
That there is war,
that there is violence, that we fight for power.
That there exist dark, villainous, traitorous people.
That we inhabit so much evil
and there are many who cooperate and to whom nothing matters,
beyond their dark desires to be and to do what?
What is not.
Breathe because it is there when you must say to yourself:
I want to be what Is.
I want to feel what Is.
I want to do what I must do.
What would it be?
Remind yourself. Remind yourself. Remind yourself.
Become in a breath of light.
What would it be like?
Opening yourself, translucent, with nothing to hide,
with nothing to fear, just being.
At least what you believe you want to be, until you become it.
Attend to that free breath,
trustful, aligned, just, alive.
Tell me if this is not love.
What else would it be?
And you are loving yourself, you are loving yourself.
Divine creature:
remind yourself always, do not forget,
because you would fall into this faltering world,
so lacking in light and love.
Breathe and thank yourself for being here today,
may each time you fear less because you are more your truth.
Om Namaha Shivaya