Become conscious, become conscious.
Do not be there to be, nor let yourself get carried away.
Begin by breathing, fully conscious.

Inhaling, exhaling,
so within you, so outside of you.
Make that exhalation pass through you,
permit you to feel yourself, give you life and open you up.
And when you exhale, become even more present,
knowing that what you expire, touched you, felt you, and dissipates.
Let each breath be conscious.

Alleviate yourself, become serene, quiet yourself
and make it so that your mind only replicates what your quietude and your silence are.
You breath achieves that,
until you reach instants, moments,
that are not, that are not present, that hold neither time nor space.

You are present in order not to be.
And you dissipate yourself, each breath helps you to dematerialize yourself,
even if you are there.
It is as if you recover substance to be that.
And you breathe in peace, without being startled.
It is there where a form of peace can dwell,
in your quietude, in your silence, in your breath
so conscious, so kind, so pure, so vital.

And you believe you are, you believe you feel,
each breath expands you in that substance that you are
and you manage to be in moments like this.

You maintain yourself in a state of non-presence,
evading what always wants to be,
all that which you believe you are.
If you are just barely a breath that goes on diminishing
and becomes imperceptible. Just barely.

It is when your silence begins to be so immense,
your quietude so firm, everything so nonexistent.
You are so much and you are so able!
You are there, without being, who are you then?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?

The non-breath and the contact given.
And you remain there, in a state of impermanence.
What exists?
You could say, without difficulty, in this moment: nothing.

It is when a supreme joy could invade you.
And you can.
What else would there be?
Your consciousness.
How free?
You would have to ask yourself what you have done.
What have you done in light?
What have you done in darkness?
You have done it and you know it.
Without more questions and answers, you know it.
What does your consciousness tell you?

Maintain yourself there if you are able.
Do you trust yourself?
Do you know yourself well?
Are you at peace or at war?
Are you good or are you bad?
Do you know how to love? Do you know how to love? Do you know how to love?
Hopefully you can, at least, stammer some expression of love.

Substance, beloved substance:
always surround yourself with pure substances.
Trust in your light, it is valuable, very valuable.
Trust in yourself.
That would be the most valuable.

There isn’t much else.
We are the purest and most beautiful substance of the Being,
if it is that you know.
If not, what? What? What?
You must trust.

Breathe deeply, comprehending the moment,
your action, your will, your expression, your necessity
and the love that you are.

Breathe deeply attending even more to the moment.
Formulate gratitude for your Being, for your goodness,
for your commitment, for your loyalty and for your strength in goodness.

Love yourself.
Love yourself.
Love yourself.

Om Namaha Shivaya.