You visualize yourself with that image that you keep of yourself,
whether or not it resembles you.
It happens that we make ourselves into different forms,
imagining, recreating, even inventing something of ourselves.
How would you want to elaborate that vision of yourself?
What do you want to reflect?
Go on breathing so that your form reaches you,
it pleases you and you become real.

Who would you be seeing?
Would it really be you, from this, the world of forms?
And more so now, when you seek that, from your forms,
you produce and project something.

The ideal would be that  you transcend this vision of yourself
and begin to perceive yourself, de-configuring yourself, fading yourself,
and, letting the breath help you to perceive what you really are.
Let it be from there that everything emerges.
All that you are, in principle, that breath:
conscious, serene, profound, that spans your system.

And from the breath, what you think.
Think of you, think of yourself.
Go on evaluating what your thoughts tell you about yourself.
If there is attention, the perception itself.
If there is tranquility or restlessness.
If you become excited or if you prefer to feel yourself?
How do you think of yourself?

May from your thoughts you pass to your feeling.
Feel yourself, without the thoughts saying much, feel yourself.
And the breath will tell you how you manage to nourish yourself.
How does your feeling express the breath?
How does the breath express your feeling?
Seek quietude, stability, certainty, enchantment, love for yourself.

And now there is more, you are now being more.
Because from all of that, you pass to another state of your own Being,
something greater, something superior,
in which, in reality, you do not even exist,
because you go on detaching from all this that you are
and that ends up being so uncomfortable, before that which you really are.

It is when you expand
by way of that which does not even exist, but that everything is.
And you forget even the breath and, you remember what you are,
you become in ecstasy, and you do not take notice of anything.  
What pain? What denial? What anguish?
What shortcoming? What attachment? What grief?
They do not exist.
There you do not pretend, there, you are.
You are what you are, you are what Is.

And you find yourself in a totality.
Why then, would you fracture yourself? To suffer?
But it is the recurrence, it is the human vice,
it is the conditioning, this reality.
There, a part of you is installed, the one you know most,
the one that seeks the most attention and, before which you yield.

Breathe deeply.
Let something carry it away, perhaps that other part of you,
so perfect, so firmly loving, so radical,
that which you believe you do not know and that you ignore because you do not believe it.

Give yourself a compliment .
Offer an intimate compliment:
I believe what I am.
I believe what I am.
I believe what I am.
But I am not what I believe.
This is something else, you are something else.
You are so much! Beautiful creature.
And you become distressed over anything.

Breathe trusting in that you know how to be in you,
with poise, with strength, with light, understanding,
with will and with self-belief.  
You will know.
Meanwhile, breathe to be more than this.
Bring out your inner resources.
To be, you have to resist all of this.

Breathe deeply,
feel your warmth, the one you bestow yourself,
the one you know and are able to offer to yourself,
in the humanity that you are, in which the coldness freezes.
Respond to yourself, only you can do so.

Breathe deeply, thanking yourself for the goodness
that you contain for you, in order to be, in order to love.

Om Namaha Shivaya