Become attentive to yourself,
as you should always be in a moment like this,
in which you trust toward what you are
and you establish a just, loving connection,
toward what your Being is.

Make your breath be so conscious,
just as the very force that you are producing
to sustain yourself like this, inhabiting your space,
enabling your essence and allowing yourself to be.

Let each deep, calm and perfect breath,
know how to indicate to you how present you are.
Become very conscious of each present breath,
until the silence wins you over and you, win silence.
Silence in your mind, that you know how many times wants to shout,
wants to expose itself, wants attention, and emits all these pulsations,  
impregnated with complaint, anguish, intranquility and distrust.

For this reason, breathe and lead it to a greater silence.  
And let it not be a silence that omits,
to the contrary, a silence that tells you all of your truth.

Did you know that?
That it is your silence who holds all of your truth.
For which you would have to review, what the quality of your silence is.
Because in this way, you would arrive to what your truth is.
Comprehend, have acceptance and propose yourself the task.
So, breathe healthily and willingly,
to know what your silence is.
All that it contains, all that it amplifies,
all that it shows you, all that you are.

Locate your breath, where is it situated? In what part of you, is it?
And I already told you, it is about your mind.
It is what holds your silence, although in itself,
it does not know how to hold silence, but you are there, in you, with her.

You will ask yourself:
Can I trust in the silence of my mind?
Or do I trust more in all that it expresses?
You should never trust in what your mind keeps,
pretending to be silence.
Because it would be, rather, what it hides and, you would have to differentiate,
if it is really that silence, that hides something.

And if you could ponder it, there are silences of silences.
There are restful, trusting, expanded, even transmitted silences.
But there exist others, that are anguishing, lacerating, punishing.
Those are the ones that condemn, they condemn you to silence.

You will say:
Silences condemn?
And you now know, they are those that hide.
Because the silences that speak, liberate.
They assist you, they cause you to reach, to remain,
in a state of placid consciousness,
in which you know how and are able to exist, trusting in your truth,
the one that you express, that you are.
And all thought, expression, action, is that, which you are.

And that breath that alleviates.
That breath that causes you to live in this way,
trusting in you, being in you.

How are you doing with your silence?
And it is so beautiful when it does not disturb, when you breathe it.
A flow, a release, a current of light,
of strength, of intense love, is felt.
Enjoy that.
And you remain, you take note, you remain in you, in serenity, in emptiness.
There is neither exhaustion, nor shame, nor false execution of anything.
Everything is subject to your truth in action,
to your action in truths.
You breathe quietly, minimally.
It is divine to know how to remain like this,
with so much disposition in you, with so little fear,
without useless efforts to forestall yourself,
because you are being courageous enough,
to know yourself, to explore everything, to confront what you encounter,
even if you dislike it, you evade it.
You prefer to remain attentive to yourself,
comprehending, healing, dissolving.

There is so much truth in you that you believe you do not know.
And you settle like this, with the lie that you invent,
pretending what?
You should not.

Strengthen yourself in your fluid breath ,
in which you trust more and more to do this,
internal contact, intimate faith, self-alliance
and will to contemplate yourself.
And there you are present, there you are, in your silence.

Become conscious, breathe deeply,
attend to the moment, always considering continuing in goodness,
attending to the Being.
Become in your Glory, in the Glory of the Being.

Deepen those breaths.
Deep, so that they activate you,
they let you know who you are today,
they lead you toward each present action
and that, in purpose, they take you to the Being and help you to be.

Breathe deeply, give thanks.
Everything is fine.

Om Namaha Shivaya