Intimately petition yourself,
invoking your Being, attending to yourself.
Take your breathing to your inner state,
that which has already been acquired in quietude, in trust,
in your own goodness and for all that you want.
So, breathe consciously.
Attend to all of your breaths
so that in you, Grace may be established.
That Grace of knowing yourself, of knowing how to remain.
There are times in which I would prefer
to install us in silence, simply being like this.
But I know that at times, some attention or another is required.
And, although you do not believe it nor do you know it,
there exist silences that seek, that call for attention.
It is when, equally, your mind is attentive,
hoping to quiet itself more,
to not resist the emptiness of the silence.
And it is that the silence, sometimes ends up being so unrecognized.
Breathe, because you would have to begin to graduate,
to appreciate, to consider, the qualities of your silence.
This, for example,
in which you believe to attend to me, in which I attend to you.
But, in truth, each one attends to their silence.
Breathe in silence.
The breath helps you to produce it.
By disregarding all else, any tingling,
any passage through which you intend to slip.
Any mental disturbance,
any crazy idea, a hint of sadness,
some pain of deception.
Make everything become silent.
Make the silence become a method.
The healthiest, the most precise.
Make it so that anything you want to say to yourself,
becomes silence.
You will ask yourself,
How do I notice? How do I feel? How do I perceive my silence?
It is so much more than a cessation.
It is an almost imperceptible state
that your soul knows and appreciates.
In which it is not possible to express any tension,
or elaboration.
It is about your capacity to empty yourself.
You will say, empty myself of what?
You would have to recognize, with honesty and courage,
what your noises are.
How does one identify those noises?
And when they are very repressed,
they are only thoughts:
anguishing, negating, defiant, arrogant,
that are so often difficult to recognize.
Under the pretense that they are foreign, installed.
Because silence is breathed.
It is allowed to breathe.
It allows you to breathe.
And, it brings you joy.
In this way, you identify what your silence is.
The state of your silence.
Attend to the subtlety of your breath.
How you have gone on emptying,
until what is required as breath, is minimal.
Translate it into silence.
Value it.
Allow the breath, to contain the silence.
Hold on and permit the breath to take its space.
Do you know where?
In that deep chest.
Hold it there, remain there.
How much silence.
Even the heartbeat is silent.
The non-breath is silent.
Your mind, full of emptiness, is silent.
Your heart, inhabited by you, is silent.
And it burns.
The silence burns.
If not, it is not silence.
Recover the breath.
Recover it, although it is difficult.
Breathe deeply and begin to feel yourself little by little.
How should you feel?
Breathe with pleasure
and permit yourself to reflect the joy,
that your achievement is.
Breathe deeply, thanking yourself,
and return with satisfaction, with happiness.
You are here, being you, wanting more,
making a great effort and appreciating
what you have gained and what you are able to gain,
listening to your silence.
Breathe deeply.
Om Namaha Shivaya