We accompany each other.
Although we well know that every path is fulfilled in solitude.
And it is that this company could be called as such, company.

And it consists of maintaining some aspect of the principle activated.
Because I do not know if you have asked yourself,
after transcending that symptom
through which we have once passed through, that abandonment,
that equally you well know, is not so.

So then, the question was or is,
what or who accompanies me?
What or how alone am I?
And it is that it does not exist.

Solitude does not exist, it never existed.

And if you do not believe it, you do not know yourself.

We have been created with firm company
and it is about another instance of you,
that is to say, you accompany yourself.

When you breathe, you make it so that this, is even more present,
it is even more active, and you enable that company even more.

And you maintain yourself there,
breathing in solitude and with the most absolute company.

You will say, what use is it to me?
If in the midst of my restlessness, I do not even detect such company.
If amid so much anguish, no one mitigates my future.
If when I complain, it is as no one hears me.

And, if to some extent all that sensation increases
and your perception of your misunderstood loneliness
becomes deeper and more profound
it is because you have distanced yourself from you.

You will ask: How much? Observe yourself.
How much evil do you express?
How uncomfortable do you feel?
Do you avoid your challenges?
Do you persist in satiating desires?
How distant are you from yourself, for you to feel like this.

Do you not see that it is about the distortion of yourself you have created?
And, that if you propose to yourself, if you situate yourself
and what’s more, if you rectify attitude, valor, commitment,  
you could get closer to your essentiality, to your pure state,
to your infinite Being, conceived before the most comforting,
warm, extraordinary, majestic and beautiful presence that exists.

In which the most extreme fusions were produced,
the most fertile substances,
the configurations that went on creating all of this, so wonderfully.

And you are included, you are alive, you are present, you are conscious.
And, among beings, you have such significant companions,
nothing more than your presence.

Beautiful creature,
to be in your presence, eases life.

So propose to yourself, so that you never again
fail to recognize who you are and you know to value
your divine presence, your most immense company,
and you know and are able to ease, also,
the tensions that you have imposed on your Being, who is the Being.

When you are able, manifest gratitude
and you will know how much that sentiment nourishes your immense presence.
Will you be alright? Have you understood?
Will you know how to produce more just notions for yourself?
And be brave, I know how to accompany you.

Notable presence.

Om Namaha Shivaya