You concentrate on your breath and on the tone,
you focus there, allowing yourself to vibrate over that sound.
The tones penetrate in many ways,
they integrate, making you be there,
over a frequency.
And, if there is something in you that is out of tune,
it goes on harmonizing you.
What the breath achieves most,
is that you go on becoming in your rhythm,
that you stabilize yourself,
taking yourself to a state of stillness.
And you remain there.
You have to consider
this space of your time,
in which you surrender yourself like this,
without seeking anything, without attending to anything else,
in which you have prepared yourself towards this contact,
in which you meditate,
which is nothing more than giving yourself in you, giving yourself to you, giving yourself.
It is that we are so insistent with any form of encounter,
trying to know, to find out, to guess about ourselves,
to obtain some certainty in the face of so much fear,
for what you believe is your helplessness,
the uncertainty of everything,
the variants of even your own mood.
And it is the breath that accompanies you,
your firmest certainty,
knowing that you are alive,
that you know how to give yourself breath,
and that you are in your life story.
You will say, what is my story?
Who knows?
Who made it?
And it is you, who lives it day by day.
You form it, you construct it, you tell it,
by being who you are and doing what you do.
And the breath is there, witnessing you,
your main witness.
What is the purpose of the story?
And all things considered,
so that you know about yourself.
Or do you think someone else might be interested?
We have believed and we have become accustomed to the fact
that it should be so.
Do you remember what this repository is?
Because, what did you come here for?
Perhaps to deposit your story? Which one?
Where does that story reside?
In your memory,
in all human memory.
That is why I say to you,
what have you given this story with your breath?
And you are there, so full or so empty.
And what does your breath testify to?
Serenity or agitation?
Because it is not a matter of erasing
the story as memory…
It is that you heal, heal, heal,
making yourself perfectly conscious.
Breathe to heal
every vestige of insane memory.
That which has created a story for you,
with the risk of recurrence,
because of what the mind is.
For what or for whom you do you believe you breathe?
What or who is nourished by your breath?
And it is your mind that regulates this organism,
which leads it to be and to do.
That is why this attitude of life,
what meditating is, self-observing
perceiving yourself, quieting yourself,
is what, in a certain way, makes you heal .
When any story rushes in
and tries to disturb you,
and take you out of your here and now.
And if your decision is present in light, then what?
Therefore, intimately, only in you,
towards your mind, say lovingly:
I am present in light.
I am present in light.
I am present in light.
And you take that breath so alive,
so authentic, so true.
And you give yourself everything you are today,
when you don’t even want
to venture into more stories,
knowing that all this fiction is more than emptiness.
Everything is so unreal,
so completely false,
so uncertain, so vulgarly mistaken.
And that your answer is:
I am present in light.
More than blessed.
Always be true,
make your breath be true,
make your word be true,
and what is more, your action.
Beloved mind,
I am present in light.
Om Namaha Shivaya