If you have, if you have brought, preserve, conserve,
 a murti that represents me,
imagine it, visualize it there where you are. 
And as you breathe, may that image,
if you succeed in it, dissolve,

and remain resting
in the place where it is, wherever.

And when you want to, right now if possible,
blow on me,  and the begin breathing calmly,
deeply, for you, felt.

May you look and feel upright,

   giving all of your attention.

And let that blow,
in a certain way, release something that you contain,
more so, if it is something hidden.  

  And you know it, or you don’t, but we know,  

       you know well that we know.

You will say, what do you get out of my silence?        

And if you knew that it is everything. 

And it’s not that I’m interested or that it matters to me,
 the one who should be interested, who it should matter to, is you.

I only encourage you to do an exercise

    that permits you to expose yourself, in you.

I can’t keep anything to myself,
since I do not have a shadow,
nor does it permeate or adhere to me,
nor can I take it with me. 

But something explodes, something collides, something breaks,

and I prefer to detain it in me,

     rather than it continuing to consume you,

and you hurt yourself and do harm.

I am not here to question you
nor to take responsibility

 for what could be your anger,
your frustration, your delay.  

But your breath encourages me, you know to what? 

To demolish you, so that everything that hinders you,

slows you down, denigrates you, is no longer there,
 you know how to identify it, you accept it and surrender it.

To that which is called: your truth.                                                                     

That only you keep and you know,

who else? 

And it is what makes you be and be here.

 Whatever it is, it is your truth.

I urge you

to always offer me more of that breath,

in the face of whatever is happening to you,                    

         to look at yourself, to observe yourself, to calm yourself, even to be quiet.                                                  

 May you know how to maintain your silence,  

the one that tells you, not the one that is quiet,

and the one that frees you from so much hidden sorrow,

 so that then with more ease,
less tension, you know how to rejoice,

and, above all, give thanks. 

May you achieve that virtue.

You have to achieve virtues,

through what your values are.

And values grow as you work for good,          

as you move in light, as you sustain principles,

and as you feel love, compassion. 

And you establish reality and dwell in it,
being who you are, without pretending anymore,

without falsifying anything,

and trusting in what the Being in your Being is.

Divine soul, concern yourself with working for good. 

And always let me know to be able to expedite and contribute,

before all that is and exists. 

Do not limit yourself, do not defeat yourself nor betray yourself. 
Always invoke forces,
because they exist and because they are in you,
if you empower them with light, with love and with truth. 

There is nothing more.

Om Namaha Shivaya

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha