Are you breathing?
Because at times it seems that you do not feel,
that you have adopted this whole mechanism
as a necessity that is so superficial, when it is so vital.
And it is that you have to make yourself
absolutely conscious of this act,
that is so voluntary, of breathing consciously,
without effort, without any scheme,
simply fulfilling the sacred act
of becoming increasingly conscious in your breath.

To take and to have presence in you
and abstract yourself, to know how to remain there,
from all of your instances
and at the same time none of them.
It is not about sleeping, dreaming, fantasizing,
to the contrary, it is establishing yourself in a vigil, 
so conscious, so awakened, and you are.

Take notice of how you have known to remain
in this manner, in this attitude,
wanting to establish something that you intuit well.
And this time, your Being is being instructed,
so that you know how and are able to contain
the most valuable information
that you have had to grant yourself,
when it is about something like Lord Shiva.
If you do not recognize that, you can disconnect.

Not without first apologizing,
but it is not that I cannot
ignore where I find myself
and what impels me to tell you that.
But it is the sound of this land,
it is its reality and its greatest truth.

There exists something that is deciphered as Lord Shiva,
and it is nothing more than an energy,
as enrapturing as it is liberating,
and it is what I breathe today.

You know that I’m trying not to meddle you too much,
in what is mine, but rather I make a game,
so that we do not know what might bring us close or distance us,
but it is that this attention
cannot be diminished or devalued.
Right now, when there exists a sort of preparation
that exerts so much force,
and one asks: What is it? Where does it come from?

I am breathing in Varanasi,
the city of Lord Shiva.
You will say: Why do you tell me this in the midst
of a supposed meditation?
Because Shiva is everything meditative that exists.
You will say: Shakti, what are you telling me?
Perhaps are you indoctrinating me?
Are you leading me to what you believe?

And for that, I apologize.
It is not about that,
but it is for me indispensable,
necessary, unpostponable,
to become in this manifesto that is so latent here.
It is like a pulse that comes from within,
it is a force that you feel at every moment,
in all that you see, although you neither believe nor know anything.

And nor is it without reason
but when you see such a spectacle
of people in life with such firmness,
dedicate themselves in a space that seems to be
so inhospitable, so untrue.
And what exists, beyond what you see,
is an instance of the Being,
as unrecognized as potent and real.

My state today, even of amazement,
is because: How and when did one decide to live in this way,
so apparently deprived,
appealing only to the essential?

When was such communion established,
in what seems to be a city,
a relationship so profound with what is natural?
When did it arrive to this?
And so much life, force and power were given to a river,
that, in itself conjoined all of this and more.
And it is there, steps away, with such an unsettling current.

I am here, just as you are,
breathing like this, listening to this,
that could well be a deviation, even madness.
And if it were not what one felt,
so exact, so immense.
And the first thing in which one registers,
is on the mind which is reordered,
expanded, and does not resist being abstracted
by this Force that holds such purity,
that it only deports eternity
and, that the game makes visible here,
 which does not impede you from seeing
how it is that the exercise of life and death is so simple.

Although you feel or believe it to be unexpected,
everything, life, death itself, is not. 

Because much of what that breath carries, contains,
is dispensed in what you feel today.
What do you feel?
And it is not difficult for you to know the Being that you are,
in the magnitude that you contain,
in the potentiality that you even reveal,
and in as much possibility as you can imagine.

Do you know what this is?
First, take a Deep breath,
assure yourself of being conscious 
and in a certain way, even prepared.
That is what I named for you,
the omnipresent, omnipotent presence,
of a true and pure record,
of a divine manifesto,
that some have called god,
and it is only a force in your Being,
made matter, made essence, made breath.

Understand it well,
it is said, it is read, it is heard: Shiva.
And it is he that Is.
Within a system so perfect,
that if you want to believe, is faith.
And with that something is barely said.
But it is so much more,
it is the cosmic substance from which you are made,
and that it is your breath that activates that,
and that it is you who opens to the possibility
of being That.

I could not speak to you nor guide you,
without mentioning it here,
knowing what it is, feeling what it is
and doing what I do,
which is nothing more that receiving that force
its light, its love and what’s most important,
its blessing in acceptance of what I am,
just as it does, for every being.

So here, do you know what happens?
I breathe Shiva, I perceive Shiva, I see Shiva.
Because it is everything, it is everything, it is everything,
and not only here.
Here there exists a sort of reference of what one believes
religion is, culture is, tradition is.

And it is this, but it is more.
Here, it is the very breath,
the one that permits me today the life that Is,
the one that I so humbly celebrate
in its incredible blessing
having accepted myself as I am,
and now that is everything.

Today, here, only that is breathed,
as always, whether you know it or not,
whether you comprehend it or not,
even that, whether you accept it or not.

And it is that it only responds to a record,
 so ancient, as the truth that was, it is.
And you will say, and now what?
It is also for those that remember
and there I count myself, I don’t know about you.
For this, once again I apologize,
but it is that it could not be so today,
to perceive this and not communicate it to you.

There exist zones on this planet, in this system,
that are like this, the very record of the Being,
the very Source that Is,
although not everyone knows nor wants to believe.
It is not a question of believing to believe,
it is because of what is.
And in this land, He Who Is,
bears this name: Shiva.

I breath in that, I live in that, and I will die in that,
moreover because I know that it is not even dying.
I no longer know what that is,
this land has told me,
one never dies.

I greet you; I reverence you,
I permit myself this that Is,
from this eternal city.
And today in particular, I confess to you
that the only thing that I hear
with such profound love,
is a gift, something for me.
And it no longer is, nor will it be a whisper,
as I feel at times I should take this.
It is a sweet and humble proclamation of my achievement in light.
That force says: Glory to the Shakti.

Beloved Lord Shiva,
surrendered to your Being, for all that remains
of the eternity that Is.

Om Namaha Shivaya