Manage to maintain firm and conscious breathing,
taking calm, spaced, tranquil breaths,
until you maintain your own calmed rhythm,
that permits you to feel well.
Let each breath tell you something,
so that you can perceive what you contain
and that what your breath tells you,
is so yours, so your own, so intimate,
that you can consider that everything is said by you, to you,
from that state in which you find yourself,
in which you assist yourself, listen to yourself and propose to yourself.
Make each breath, little by little, go on being silenced as well,
and being there, feel even more security, confidence, assistance.
That if there is something you want, something you think,
something you believe yourself to need, it is to know how to be like this,
with you, in tranquility, with firmness.
How do you assimilate each pause, each space?
In which, knowing that you are there,
you need nothing, if but barely, to breathe.
That you can now produce a conscious form
of attending to yourself like this,
of delving into yourself healthily,
of experiencing yourself, of giving yourself a valuable encounter
and the most, and the most: expanding yourself.
To make all that you are, be conscious,
habitable, and that you know how and are able to correlate
with all that exists,
from what you know you are today.
Thousands of miles apart, do you believe they separate us
Do you believe it?
I tell you something: all of this has been prepared,
thought out, planned, so that we can
from any instance, distance,
approach ourselves as it is, having unified
our souls in a healthy and just commitment
and encounter of love.
We had expected it, and it came true.
Hence, this moment,
in which we perceive ourselves in this way,
only what Is exists, in what we Are.
And I know that you know what Is, that which Is.
It is what has given us and produced this,
and we are there, orbiting in a Sphere,
so conscious, so elaborate, so sheltered,
and we have done it, it is our great achievement.
Look where you are and look where I am.
It is as if we existed in each other,
being what Is.
That is why I can say to you today from here,
from where I am: thank you.
There was never another life
in which there was so much truth,
so immediate and close.
And of course it is because of the times, because of the new forms,
because of everything that today permits us
to establish this communication,
this connection, this link, this projection,
this nourishment, this possibility, this force,
that makes us look at ourselves from within, and be there.
And we are there, being what we are,
and we breathe knowing that, feeling that,
corresponding to that, as well as projecting that.
Value your breath.
Understand: What it is like? What are you executing?
What form of your truth? Why this moment?
You breathe, I breathe and we breathe,
and nothing has stopped,
except the time that Is,
the one that I carry, the one that you carry,
the one that carries us to where It Is,
and you know it well,
although I am where it seems that time
has not even been, it is, in you, in me.
I celebrate with you. That I will do.
I will always celebrate what this life is,
for you, for me, for what Is.
Thank you for permitting me.
Thank you for being.
We breathe now, recognize yourself,
situate yourself and from here,
I tell you as always:
Love, love and more love, always.
Om Namaha Shivaya.