Mentally, take a brief tour
of your journey here.
However you have arrived,
remember that journey
until the point that you sat here and are sitting here.
And now visualize yourself, elaborate,
achieve an image of yourself there where you are.
Silhouette yourself and perceive yourself in depth,
first, in all that your physique is.
Reaccommodate, if any discomfort persists,
and with each breath lighten yourself, deposit yourself there.
And let each breath situate you,
there where you are present, where you are.
And begin to perceive yourself and imagine what you can perceive,
as well as emanate, in the disposition that you find yourself in,
in that position, and with all of your intention
of establishing yourself in you with every breath.
Deep, slow, sustained breaths,
creating a rhythm as personal as it is intimate,
seeking to align yourself in that exact and perfect
configuration of yours.
And your calm breaths, without disturbance, without being startled.
You are doing so well there.
If you could believe me, you’re doing so well good.
And it produces that conscious,
attentive breathing, so sensitive to you.
Our bodies are so useful,
if you will, so obedient, so accommodating,
and how they are ordered, after subtle loving commands.
And what they permit, this state of quietude,
of relaxation, of permanence.
And you breathe it, you attend to it,
you make it vital, you care for it.
And the breath, so exact,
so conducive to this, to what sustains you.
You sustain your breath with such respect
for what your body is, with such patience, with such love.
There you are, willing to Be.
And nothing interferes because your mind thinks about your body,
you give it that task and it strives, it values it, it surrenders to it.
How do you think it feels? Deeply responsible.
Breathing makes her respectfully responsible.
It is neither distracted, nor entertained, nor negates itself.
It does its task.
You breathe with vitality and pleasure,
and that stimulates her so that the way she inhabits you,
permits you to be there, to be like this, to the fullest,
making communion, inhabiting what you are, here, wherever.
And the achievement of the breath so calm,
so imperceptible, so deep and vital.
And your open mind opens to what you are, to what Is.
There is no anxiety, no uneasiness,
no expectation, no drama, no excuse.
And you are present, and you are present, and you are present.
And so present, nothing disturbs you,
nothing makes you uncomfortable, you remember nothing,
nor do the shadows threaten nor does lovelessness brush up against you,
nor do you avoid living, nor do you hide pain,
nor do you register anxiety, nor do you deny the Being.
You are present. And you are so much, and you are everything.
And you breathe nothing, so brief, so little.
Minimal breath.
And that’s when you reinforce the feeling, your feeling, what you are.
How much do you perceive the feeling that you are, the feeling that you produce towards
yourself, by yourself, for yourself?
How much do you value it?
How much does it serve you?
How much do you give yourself? How much do you give it?
How hard do you try?
And the breath, so subtle, so nothing.
You will ask: Is this feeling my entire present? Is this present my entire feeling?
How do I achieve it? How do I sustain it? How do I keep it?
And it seems impossible,
in the face of so many, so in the midst of everything.
And the breath so divinely aware,
so perfect, containing you, perceiving you,
loving you, here, present.
You have to resolve; you have to resolve for this.
Resolve for this, to be like this, to feel like this,
to know how to remain like this, whenever you can and want to,
that you propose it to yourself, so present, resolving to love yourself.
And you breathe deeply, with your whole chest.
Above all, your chest.
Become conscious, become more present.
And maintain yourself there, still in stillness,
recognizing your body, feeling it.
Breathe, breathe thanking yourself
and don’t forget your resolution,
what you want to resolve.
Breathe deeply and reconnect here,
with that exact body of yours.
Breathe more,
so that your mind knows how much you love it,
for offering yourself, permitting yourself,
in the time that Is, in the time that you are, to know yourself.
Breathe more. Always breathe. Always breathe more.
Become present and give thanks.
Om Namaha Shivaya