Beloved Being,
you who are in some way so close,
sustained in will and likewise conscious,
of what you do today. 

I invite you, precisely today, as present as you are,
to make the greatest effort, 
 to do what Is, to be who you are,
and to sustain the longing to reach the Being.

Our meeting, as you well know,
is to establish connection,
to nourish ourselves with what
each one of us is.

And before your breathing and your breath,  
 what else, if it is everything?
Never think that it is not,  
so breathe as consciously as you want and are able,
making your breath be everything,
a fervent display of your state of Being,
of your vitality and your intention.

Combine that and elaborate each breath.
Elaborate it in this system that you are,
that nourishes itself like this, with the breath,
and let it provoke you, let it be fluid,
constant, intense. 
 Construct each breath assuming stillness, calmness.

You know well that the breath is also formed, formulated,  
and almost goes hand in hand with your iron will
to express yourself like this, so lovingly.

Understand that this is your most perfect way
to express yourself in your love,
attending to yourself and dispensing with what is outside.
And even if you incorporate it, you know how to handle it,  
in your firm perception of every thought,
of every sensation, of every feeling.

You know how to handle yourself.
And nothing and no one disturbs you,
not even what is not of you,   
breathing takes care of it.  
You go on reducing and turning off the conduits,
and you abstract yourself and remain with yourself,
with your breathing and with what your breath is.

What more?
Even more so, when you know what inhabits you,
what you have installed in you, 
what brought you here,
what keeps you here
 and what awaits you, outside of here.

Breathing helps,
more so when you manage to make it not confront that,
nor deny it nor diminish it,
but rather it encourages you.

And it goes on occurring
and you are so capable of perceiving what is occurring,
you are achieving it.  
And everything goes on occurring
in what your mind is. 
Even breathing occurs in your mind.
It is when your mind knows what you are doing, and you perceive it.

As I have told you, what is it that occurs?
What is occurring? What are you permitting?
What are you causing to occur?

And your Being occurs,
the most immense, the most profound,
the most beautiful occurrence, you.
A being who breathes,
a being who knows how to breathe, 
a being who attends to their breath,
 a being who loves to breathe.  
And it is what Is, it is who is, the Being itself.
 How could you not pronounce yourself?  
How could you not do this?

And the breath that is transformed,
that from so much breath, it is transformed.
And there you are, absorbed, still,  
focused, more than enlivened,
 you are perfect, you are in your Being,
being the Being.

Space is so inwardly given, and what time is, occurs in you, only there and nothing else exists,
you in you, your space in you, your time in you, the Being in you.

And it occurs. And it occurs.  
You occur. I have told you; this is how the Being occurs, 
 what else?         
It remains to love yourself, and you should understand it now, comprehend it,
make it happen.

And the breath that occurs, and the breath that doesn’t, Sustain yourself.
 Take yourself there.  
And nothing happens, I insist, I have told you. 
Let nothing happen,
neither breathing, nor breath,
so that only silence occurs,
nothingness itself, all of space,
the non-existence of time.
Combine that, it is what you are.
It’s everything that occurs in you and you don’t believe it.

Suspend yourself.  
Nothing to say.

Breathe deeply and return.
Retake body, retake soul, retake life,
retake breathing, retake breath,
always considering surrendering in self-gratitude, 
for being who you are, for wanting what you want, 
for aspiring to the Being, just as you are,  
conscious, in proposal, in purpose,  
trusting, loving yourself, accepting.

Breathe deeply and become present.
Become present, accept who you are 
and propose more, always more,
and, of the most important, love.

Om Namaha Shivaya