Attend only to your breath, focus.
Be sensitive to this action,
breathe with will, with desire, deeply,
at a free, conscious, very conscious pace.
Whenever you breathe, you breathe your force,
don’t forget it, so breathe consciously,
with the serenity you contain.
If you need more, provide it.
Make each breath be conscious, deep,
and briefly analyze your condition,
how relaxed you are, if you hold any concerns,
if thoughts cross your mind, if you breathe anxiety.
In the face of all this, make the breath more and more conscious.
It always helps a little to visualize, to imagine,
and you are there, in your system,
with your whole organism in function
And each organ breathes,
becoming a participant in that system,
and you go through yourself, and imagine the fluids,
the conduits that you intend to remain like this,
in such introspection, with such stillness,
venturing into yourself,
making, creating for yourself an instant in your truth.
All this at will,
because you want to do it,
because you have chosen this and it pleases you,
even if you know everything you could observe,
which may not be so pleasant,
but that is why you prepare, that is why you know yourself,
you are willing and you encourage yourself.
And the breath becomes subtle, imperceptible,
it comes from within, it is produced from so deep within,
because what you seek is to move, to remove, what inhabits there
and what persists in inhabiting you
and you no longer want.
It’s all part of the dual game.
How is it done; you ask.
Be constant, be punctual, be obstinate,
be implacable, do not encourage your oppressive side,
the one that dismisses everything, even your strength,
and obscures your truth.
It is with that force that you resist
that negating side, and you breathe it, likewise, without fear.
It plays the lurker, the one who intrigues,
the one who tempts, the one who reduces and makes you uncomfortable,
the one who takes revenge and the one who attacks.
You breathe it in the same way, and you are conscious,
because the force is in what feels luminous and loved,
perfect, open.
And you breathe that, just the same.
That which is kindness, closeness, trust.
You breathe that.
What is firm and is shown in firmness,
in what principles and values are:
respect, loyalty.
You breathe that.
What is important is that you balance,
now knowing who you want to be.
The breath tells you: serenity or agitation?
Trust or fear? Mockery or control?
And the tiredness, the exhaustion?
Decadence itself?
When, no matter how much you observe yourself,
there is no such thing
as that which allows you to pronounce yourself in truth,
to feel, to manifest yourself, to act as It Is.
What does one do with that, you say.
Show it to yourself, never hide it.
Even if you tear yourself apart,
because, if you don’t, you do it to others.
Show yourself.
You breathe, everything, you breathe everything.
And you will say, the balance?
Enhance the part that Is, the part that you are.
It opens every circuit, unlocks falsehood,
breaks with all evil, avoids lying,
expresses what Is and breathes.
When you dare, the other is enhanced.
It is when you breathe with greater freedom,
more enchantment, more faith, more reality,
you acquire what your love is: something indescribable.
But you become sensitive, susceptible to catching it,
until it is also freed,
you free yourself in love, your love is freed,
you are free in love, your love is free.
It is not a question of feeling it,
you are that; you produce it, you do it in every action.
Do not even bother to say or pronounce it,
it would even be a lie.
Action, fact, truth.
Breathe fully,
with the potency that you are and contain,
of what could be your truth, your love,
of having created and conceived it as it Is.
Because that is what your system does,
that is why you exist; that is why you live.
How much truth you are, how much love you have.
You shouldn’t deceive yourself, not anymore, it’s not the time.
How is your breath going?
Reduce it, let it sustain you,
suspend yourself there, perceive the perfect balance,
and become in your goodness, in your infinite goodness,
in your supreme love, in your fervent truth,
and in your infinite light.
My beloved, bless yourself in the face of such evils.
Bless yourself.
Make your soul feel blessed,
if it is that you are able.
You know that there exist those who cannot. You know it.
Breathe deeply,
become conscious, become present,
so that you thank yourself and permit yourself to continue.
Thank your organism,
your system, your soul.
Always promise yourself more.
Om Namaha Shivaya