Focus on your breathing. Take your thought there.
May what your mind wants now, be to breathe, to know how to do it,
and, that all of it is taken there, to what would seem to be a mechanism,
but it is so much more.
And it is that the breath is not thought of, it is produced.
And your mind knows that so many reasons exist
for being able to and wanting to breathe.
In the moment that you breathe,
the mind knows what it will commune with.
In principle, it is with your entire body, still, as it is.
That body that is also quieted with the breath
and that relaxes to a point,
because there exists another, who keeps it attentive
and that permits it to maintain itself in serenity.
What would have to sustain that serenity?
And your fluids are so many, incessant currents,
that are modulated, that are quieted with your breaths.
In this way, you permit that what you are, flows as well,
that you expel from your most physical body,
what you are: energy.
And, that you work it in this way, you accept it, constant as it is
and, equally you permit, that it relates with all that Is.
The possibility that your serenity offers you,
is not to not disturb you with what exists in disarray,
which is so much, as well.
Equally, that energy that invades you, that collides with you.
And, when you breathe like this, you create fields,
that do not isolate or protect you,
they stabilize, they stabilize.
The stabilize in you.
And in this way, you are what you are, what you want to be,
what you propose to be.
You generate strength that stems from your constant,
the time and space that you create and, that has created you.
Imagine then, when all of this is conscious,
when you become conscious,
when it is your consciousness that knows how to act like this.
You abstract yourself and the world of forms ceases,
even your own. You go on dissolving it because of your breath,
installed in your other bodies,
those that integrate and communicate with what is not seen,
but that exist.
Equally, all that vision, at times so imposed,
all of that visual noise, ceases.You are there, you remain there, seeing nothing,
hearing nothing.
It is when what seems dark, shines.
It is not an overwhelming glare either, it is serene, silent.
Your breath encircles all that you are.
It is as if it spiralized,
from your breath, all of your Being.
and you elevate yourself.
You elevate in substance.
It is what produces the serenity of your breath.
It is what produces your quieted mind.
It is what produces your inner vision.
It is what produces your silence.
Your form is a spiral,
multiple in reality,
infinite in their totality,
until they burst and, that disintegration,
integrates you into the Consciousness.
Until the breath ceases, it is no longer needed.
You contain the All and the All contains you,
until nothing exists.
It is that you are so marvelously valiant,
that you dare here, in the midst of all of this.
How could you not love yourself?
How can you still deny yourself?
How do you continue to disturb yourself?
Why do you continue to punish yourself?
If your purpose is to liberate yourself.
Remain conscious of that.
You do not correspond to tribulations,
or arguments, nor the forces that detract from you.
Attend to yourself more.
Reestablish time and time again,
that which once brought you to this.
To so much.
Do not placate.
Value your effort, value your life and what you have found in it,
Imagine, you found yourself.
How could you not love yourself?
Breathe in gratitude, breathe deeply,
come closer to your waking consciousness and live.
One has to live.
Om Namaha Shivaya