Trust in your breathing.
In how you become accustomed, in how you feel, in a moment such as this.
Trusting equally, in your intuition,
the one that leads you, the one that brings you to a moment like this.
Trust, also, in your mind, the one that is attentive to you,
more than you, attentive to her.
If you have worked, your mind has gone on training itself,
preparing itself and accepting,
what you have accepted of yourself.
Establishing a trust, in this way,
what do you believe might occur?
More so, because you have wanted, to give yourself demonstrations,
to produce surrender, to reach yourself.
So breathe, keeping in mind your state,
that you count on today, to expand your consciousness.
That gesture, that necessity, that is so urgent today,
to project yourself beyond all that occurs,
and you are able to maintain yourself in the healthy calm,
in the healthy condition, in the healthy response, to your Being.
And you go on breathing well,
without becoming startled, without any disturbance,
and even less, discomfort.
You install yourself in that condition, that state,
in which you simply recreate yourself.
You recreate yourself in what you think, in what you feel,
until you cease to do so, seeking to project yourself beyond,
to where your breath leads you.
And it is more than quietude, more than well-being, more than you.
It is as if you transcended inner spaces,
that exist in you and that are linked,
with other spaces, also from you.
And in your state of freedom,
you are capable of passing through all of them,
just as you are present, just as you are, just as you want.
You trust in your breath
and as he knows, he produces.
No one else could do it but you.
And you would not have to feel the expansion,
or your projection, or go seeking sensations,
fantasies, presences.
The breath ensures that you go on emptying
and if you propose anything, let it be to feel yourself in ecstasy.
Where do you believe these states are located?
And you have to go on recognizing,
that they are in you, in all that which you are.
You know that I come from so many spaces,
beyond any sort of geography,
beyond any created space,
beyond those who accompany you
and those whom you accompany.
Beyond, we encountered each other.
You will ask me: What did you encounter?
And I know that this time, you guess well.
And it is that I encountered that which equally, you encountered.
It is a mutual, joint encounter,
and it already took place, it was, it already is, it is.
And from breathing together,
-that will never be so much or too much-
we encountered, not even our own,
given that nothing owned exists.
We encountered that breath that orbits here,
We encountered that force that is reached here.
We encountered that will that encourages us to be together.
And it was all that, that fire, that name,
that resonance, that code,
that truth, that light, that All.
And everything is in your breath.
Because you believed yourself, you trusted, you reached yourself and you are present.
Do you know what it has been to persist in this?
To invite ourselves so lovingly to breathe,
to connect our souls and to learn to trust,
to know how to trust, to want to trust.
For this reason, not a day should pass by,
in which you know and want to trust in your breath.
Beyond how much you need it to live.
You already know, to live as it Is.
For this reason, I tell you,
as long as I breathe, it will be in gratitude.
Become increasingly conscious,
become more active,
become more present
and be in consciousness.
Breathe deeply.
Breathe and imagine all of our breaths,
so conscious, so adventurous, so loving, so simple.
Breathe and imagine yourself in joy and extend all of that to your reality,
that which we believe we live.
Om Namaha Shivaya