Focus yourself.
And it is about centering yourself in you,
prioritizing your attention on the breath.
May your conscious breath be imposed
in the face of any thought of restlessness, anxiousness, doubt.
Calm everything by breathing.
Venture to play with your breath,
with your capacity, your intention, your will.
Observe each breath, how you produce it, what it produces in you.
And you know how much.
You know what it’s like to breathe on this planet,
to be nourished by that substance, the willing ether.
And do not evade yourself at all, maintain yourself there.
One who meditates to evade, does not attain an achievement.
You have to attend to everything.
Breathe consciously, consciousness on the breath.
And you go on soothing, quieting, calming yourself.
And thought does not cease, but it breathes as well.
Every thought breathes, you bring it there.
This exact and perfect physical functionality is for that.
And it is as if you were emptying yourself, lightening,
without measuring sensation, feeling, without looking for it either.
The art is to have the mind and the breath coincide.
That they meet, that they know each other,
that they go deeper until they accept each other.
And you would have to permit everything, that they offer,
that they are offered, that there is communion, strength.
And the mind shines, splendid as it is,
attended as it feels and loved as it should be.
And the breath, all your vital force,
more than your health, more than your longing, more than your truth.
And that is what your breath gives to what your mind is:
you know your truth.
And it is that your mind would not want anything else,
nor would it need anything else.
If you did that, always breathing like this, knowing yourself like this,
you can’t even imagine what your mind is,
the most precious receptacle of what you are.
That is why you need to know it.
To know who you are, to know what you want, to know how to be.
And you breathe.
Your mind needs nothing more than the truth that you are,
it doesn’t need anything else.
The point is:
How true are you?
And that’s why you breathe.
And the communion remains there,
with so much concentration, with so much respect.
It is when you inhabit what your Consciousness is,
that which is so deep in you,
in which all of you dwells, in that, your Consciousness.
As wise as it is, as exact,
and that simply reflects what you are,
what you contain, what you yearn for, what you do, everything.
The one that allows you so much and more.
And the one who knows what you know today and today you no longer deny.
That instance so inherent, so of you, so for you, so with you.
That which encourages your essence, in what your own Consciousness is.
That which translates silence, manifests joy,
protects, sustains, reinforces, invites the whole presence,
the presence that Is.
And now almost without breathing, without any sound,
without any question, what exists without anything being in you,
the Divine Consciousness, the All that you are.
It is consciousness that breathes, breathes in you,
and you are there, being Nothing.
And at the same time, it is so much, so much, so much.
If it you wish, tell it something:
Consciousness of mine, Entire Being, breathe in me.
Always attend to me.
Make me Be more than I am,
to know and be able to transcend everything.
Consciousness of mine, be in me, give me strength.
Consciousness of mine, take my breath and take it from here.
Breathe deeply, attending to everything, everything that inhabits you.
And you breathe more, knowing, now feeling that you are some truth
and that it is there within reach of your mind.
Breathe more and feel the love you keep for yourself.
And breathe more, so that you express gratitude and it expands in your consciousness
and eavh time you can reach more infinite states of yourself.
Watch over yourself, attend to your Being,
manifest yourself in truth,
always thank yourself and love yourself more.
Om Namaha Shivaya