Show yourself in conscious breathing.
Let nothing overshadow or distract from your premise: to be with you.
For this reason, breathe, attending to yourself, perceiving yourself, sustaining yourself,
and, to the extent that you believe, loving yourself. 

Breathe firmly.

We have encountered ourselves in this place and at this moment,
in order to produce that contact,
and to add encouragement to the force that we are. 

What did you come to imagine about this?
Would it be perhaps, what you really want?
If you ask me, I want to serve you.
Just as I want that all of this serves.
So, in some way, you have imagined well,
to be here, together, breathing in this way,
contemplating the moment.

And, perhaps -what is most difficult for us to accept-,
trying to encourage ourselves.
So let each breath that you produce, encourage you.
Let your breathing encourage you.
Let the breath encourage you.
May life and all of existence encourage you.

You will ask: Why do you tell me that?
Is it perhaps that you feel me to be so discouraged?
It is not about that.
We have had to live so many moments,
some incomprehensible, some dark,
others luminous, but most of them, tense, bothersome,
uncomfortable, even empty.

And we have asked ourselves so many things.
Will I be able to? Will I want to?
What will be?
At times, what weighs the most, is not knowing how to fill oneself.
It is as if the air itself is not enough.
And the disposition is noted, it is rescued, it is maintained,
but all of this, all of this…

Observe yourself now.
What do you believe is happening now?
And in reality, nothing happens.
You are present, you are, in calm, in stillness, in light.

You will ask yourself: Do I not deceive myself?
We do not deceive ourselves.

We have made use of the greatest personal resource.
We have assisted ourselves from the most integral force.
We have known to fill ourselves with our pulses and heartbeats.
And, although you do not believe it, that is sufficient, that is enough. 

Breathe and sustain yourself with peace and poise
and perceive who you really are 
and how much you are able,
and what you truly want,
and what you experience. 

Tell me if it is not enough for you,
if that plenitude does not reach you.
And, if you dare more,
if there is not something like a subtle joy, a joy,
an expansion, a greater encouragement.
All of that is your breath, your profound disposition,
your Being experiencing itself.
You, being you,
converted in this way, into that which all Is.

And every breath is enough.
There is no complaint, there is no rage,
there is neither deception, nor frustration, 
nor debacle, nor lies, nor burden,
nor doubt, nor chaos, nor attack.

The breath is enough
and you may even suspend it.
Remain there, resonating in your heartbeat,
remain there without breath.
Simply pronouncing the Being.
Each heartbeat pronounces it.
And permit me to pronounce you in my heartbeat,
respecting your love.

Breathe with all of the freedom that you can
and intimately celebrate your immense attainments,
your profound feeling and your extraordinary contact.
Tell me, as well, if this does not encourage you.
It has to be.
It has to be.
You have to Be.

Remember to thank yourself and to promise yourself more,
always more.

Om Namaha Shivaya