“When the time of the preservers ends,
when time is no longer time,
the presence of Lord Shiva’s Avatar is expected,
the executor of Love, the destroyer of chaos.”

“Cuando el tiempo de los Preservadores culmina, cuando el Tiempo ya no es el tiempo, se espera la Presencia del Avatar del Señor Shiva, el Ejecutor del Amor, el Destructor del Caos.”

For a long time, the Great Masters and Initiates from both the East and the West, have referred to this Infinite and Immortal Being, who participated in the restoration of Light on the Planet, in the Sacred Scriptures of the new evolutionary cycle of Humanity and in the formation and Initiation of the Greatest Masters.

It is revealed to the seekers of the world, if their awakening in Light is truthful, that the Planet emanates its Energy through an Immortal Cosmic system, the Consciousness of God itself, the Major Executor of the Divine Plan. His name has been pronounced and is pronounced with Love and Reverence throughout millennia: Mahavatar Babaji.

His Mission

That Being, that sublime presence of Light working in an immense mission, is the Consciousness designated to give back to Earth it’s lost Light. The Mahavatar is the generator of the Instruction of Love for the return to Unity; He is in charge of the cosmic elevation design for the Planet and has taken responsibility for the guidance and Initiation of the Greatest Teachers of Humanity. Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Rama, have all been guided by this Infinite Consciousness. That is why he has been called the Mahaguru, the Great Instructor of Humanity, and the Master Consciousness of Divine Wisdom within the plan for the Earth.

The Consciousness that we call Mahavatar Babaji has an Infinite Cosmic record, and it is the modulator of the True vision of the plan in the Universe. It represents the path of Unification of the fields of experimentation. And it is the propeller of the Conscious Being and of its primary purpose, beyond religions, cults and dogmas, which are the product of human ignorance.

It would be useless to reduce his immense Light to a specific cult, to a geographical location or to a particular Path. Although its presence was detected and consecrated in the East (vortex of the Himalayas) it is a Universal Consciousness. Not only does it transcend human borders, but also it goes beyond what we understand as our Planet of experimentation.

Babaji is the cosmic structure that the Creator Father has designed to profoundly assist in the jump of the Consciousness of the Planet and establishing Universal Spirituality, the next phase in the development of Human Consciousness. With that purpose, he has opened centers of Light associated with his Consciousness and has granted his Teaching in different parts of the Earth.

What is known

I am only a name within the Father

Wherever someone pronounces
reverently the name of Babaji,
the devotee attracts an immediate
spiritual blessing
Lahiri Mahasaya


Shakti Ma has coupled her Consciousness to that of the Mahavatar, who through the Mother has expressed the most beautiful words:

“I am an Avatar who configured its own story, who still doesn’t know the end. I look for my Faith every day and I dress with it. My food is the Breath of God. I swallow my Essence and I become a Being of a thousand existences, but I am one. I focus my life towards the Light. I don’t die, I just exist, I am. I have always been. I will never stop being. The Infinite is my home and there, is always God. ”
“Babaji is a unique Being (that I know of Myself), when I told myself, I was in the Name and Will of My Eternal Father. I support those who fearlessly venture to Recognition. I keep in Me the domain of Time and Space. I trust that the Light is the All and in that Unit we move. I do not conceive of hopelessness, or the abandonment, therefore my proposal is always so frontal. Breathing is the most useful element I know to associate with the Father and connect with Him. I face eternal tasks that I resist well in Love. All who are in Me have conducted themselves in Good and Love themselves. Today is the time to be and love us. Be Eternal. ”

 In connection with Shakti Ma’s Consciousness, the Father expressed in a simple sentence the enormous task of the Mahavatar Babaji: “Babaji is the one whom I have appointed to combine time and space in him.”


His Appearances

Regarding this, Babaji, through Shakti, has said:

There are many stories told out there that do not coincide, in part because of my multidimensionality and the way in which I have poured my energies so as not to sustain myself in any principle that can either be reproduced or persecuted. I have followers everywhere and that reaffirms how much will I have put to surround the Earth and that it surrounds Me. You must have in you a certainty: Babaji is in me. And that will further reaffirm the path”.

With Babaji’s considerations, we can outline, based on the available writings some important details of his appearances or manifestations.
The Mahavatar Babaji is a Cosmic Consciousness that can descend to the fields of matter as long as the axes of the Divine Plan so require it, and there are the conditions given for the process. The settlement of the Mahaguru can be determined in the planetary spiritual vortex of the Himalayas; hence there are so many references to an etheric space where Babaji inhabits when He is not manifested.
Mahavatar Babaji is the Consciousness that has guided the great Masters of Humanity.

  • In 203 A.D. Babaji attains mastery of cosmic laws and develops his immortal body. Its descent into physical body is realized thanks to the Siddhas Boganathar and Agastyar, who were at the same time his disciples. He reaches Enlightenment as well as a perfect and immortal physiomolecular composition at the age of 16. From that moment on, it is said that He is never born again from a womb.
  • It is known that Babaji was the Secret Guru of Adi Shankaracharya, the great forerunner of Sanatam Dharma and Advaita Vedanta.
  • During the 19th century the presence that established the Lineage of the first restitution with Lahiri Mahasaya takes place in the foothills of the Himalayas. In this presence, not physical, Babaji again delivered the Kriya wisdom after the Age of Darkness.
  • 1970-1984. The most recent, also in northern India, in Haidakhan. About this presence there is much information in different publications, and also many contradictory positions.
  • 1998-. Mother Shakti has received Master’s bestowal by the Goodness of the Creator Father Lord Shiva and the Mahavatar Babaji, as well as the mission to spread Light through the SKY Teachings. It is the first focal point of Light created by the Babaji Consciousness for the Cosmic Plan in South America.

As he expressed through Shaktiananda, given the nature of his mission and his teaching, not everyone is able to accept and take what He offers us:

“There are multiple games of information today and it is there that everyone remains expectant of their own ability. I don’t think I can say that I hold a very demanding degree of difficulty, but those who can give in to Me must be very close to themselves. I am traveling time freely and everyone usually takes me when they have already learned to discriminate, within that wheel, what I am. ”

“I am who is and says Love, have you seen anything simpler than that? I only conform the Truth that inhabits in the Creator Being. Have you seen anything simpler than that? 

Hence, when you see that in my Name there is a string of manifestations that could confuse you; I am not. When something I have said, according to some, you cannot grasp; I am not. My gesture to the Self is one. Have you seen anything simpler than that? I only understand Love because I am Love.”

