Darshan and Teachings

Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand, Pontiff of the Bhanpura Monastery, is one of the successors of the legendary Master Adi Shankaracharya, and one of the spiritual eminences of India, ranking among the most important Pontiffs of Tradition. His name is recognized throughout all the geography of the subcontinent and in various parts of Europe and the Americas as one of the most impressive living Masters. Beyond its human acknowledgments, it is a blessed essence and consecrated entirely to the Divine Consciousness and to the diffusion of Universal spirituality and Yoga philosophy.
Propeller of the principles of Sanatam Dharma (Universal Spirituality) Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand has extended the Light and has blessed with his presence many countries, proposing a fuller understanding of the spiritual exercise that mankind brings within itself. His lineage is lost in time, being one of the Oldest, bearers and guardians of the highest Esoteric Knowledge known to mankind.
The Encounter
During the pilgrimage that the Shaktiananda Order made in March 2006 thru Holy Cities of India, a fortuitous and causal encounter took place in Rishikesh: a communion of Souls between the Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand and Mother Shaktiananda. That meeting has been recorded by some of us who shared it, as a planned and agreed meeting, which was answered by both Masters in the most beautiful way.
The Shankaracharyas form a very rigorous Order tied to the most just and deepest Vedic mandates, whence their exchange with foreigners is marked by several filters that seemed not to exist during the encounter with Shaktiananda. Before seeing him, the Mother knew that the Pontiffs do not initiate either foreigners or women, as explained by some monks of the Saraswati Order. However, upon meeting him, there was a mutual recognition that has since been strengthening every day and that left aside all dogma.
Swamiji Shankaracharya offered to give the Mother in India the deepest Initiation but, for reasons of time and logistics, it could not be done. However, in his visit to Venezuela in 2006, Maharaj Divyanand gave his powerful Shaktipath to the Mother in a Sacred place in the mountains of Venezuela.
Swamiji is, as said by the Conclave of Masters, along with Mother Shaktiananda, who have enthroned the energy of Father Lord Shiva in this area of the Planet.
Swami Divyanand Teerth was born in a family of Brahmins with high spiritual and religious sense, on January 4, 1953 in Uttar Pradesh, India. Son of Mrs. Urmila Sharma and Mr. Rajan Kant Sharma. His father has been a renowned educator, and his paternal grandfather was in turn a renowned Sanskrit Master, who preached Vedic Philosophy in Northwest India for around 40 years.
Swamiji received his primary education in the hills of Nagaland, and secondary education in the fields of Sainik School (military school) in Orissa in West Bengal. His higher education was developed at Guwahati University (Assam) and North-East Hill Univesrity Shilong (Meghalaya). His Holiness made his postgraduate degree in English Literature. Like his father, Swamiji began his career as an Educator, and eventually joined the Press as a journalist.
At the young age of 27, responding to an inner call and the impulse to know the mysteries that exist beyond life and death, he gave up his home and moved from one place to another receiving the teaching of several saints who belonged to different schools of thought.
However, he was not satisfied. Swamiji says: “I find satisfaction in lonely and quiet places, like the ancient Shiva Temple where I stayed continuously for 3 and half years. Every time I remember those days I get excited. They were days of spiritual ecstasy. ”
He was initiated into the Order of the Swamis (taking monastic life) by His Holiness Swami Harishawaranand Teerth in Chitrakoot, where Avatar Rama lived 11 years during his exile days.
A renowned Dandi Swami, His Holiness Swami Vishnu Ashram Ji Maharaj, from Uttar Pradesh, imparted to him the wisdom of the different Scriptures. By the Grace of his Gurus, His Holiness became a scholar of Srimad Bhagavad Mahapuran, Shri Devi Bhagawat Mahapuran, Shri Shiva Mahapuran, Shri Ramcharitamanas, the Upanishads and the Sacred Bhagavad Gita. Swamiji Divyanand professes the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, the most complete Vedic Teaching of non-dualism. He has a very good command of Hindi and English and basic knowledge of Sanskrit.
Nine years after taking Sanyas (Swami’s vows or resigning monk), in 1989, he was set as Shankaracharya of the Bhanpura Monastery by the already named Swami Ram Ashram Ji Maharaj, the tenth Shankaracharya of this Monastery, during the Maha Kumba Mela, in a Sacred congregation of Saints in Prayagraj (Allahabad), at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati rivers.
Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand Teerth Ji is the eleventh successor Shankaracharya of the Bhanpura Monastery (Bhanpura Peeth), located in the State of Madya Pradesh.
After being named Shankaracharya, Swamiji has dedicated his life to raising the consciousness of Humanity through the projection of the Sanatam Dharma. For this aim, Swamiji has massively spread the Sacred Texts.
He has made three Pad Yatras (pilgrimage on foot), from Delhi to the Sacred Cave of Amarnath (Himalayas), from the Bhanpura Monastery to Chitrakoot, and from Gangotri, the birth of the Ganges in the Himalayas to the far South of India, in the place where Sri Rama performed Ceremonies (Puja) to Lord Shiva before embarking on his battle against the dark forces. During these pilgrimages, His Holiness spent most of the time in villages and towns, spreading the message of Sanatan Dharma among the people of India.
Swamiji is the first Shankaracharya who has ventured to travel outside India, taking a revolutionary step in the Order of the Shankaracharyas. Swamiji visited Japan in 1996 to inaugurate a Conference on the great religions of Asia, which was held at the University of Kyoto. His Holiness visited the United Kingdom in 2000 and attracted a large audience in Elfird, London, and Leicester, among other places. In the same year Swamiji inaugurated the World Hinduism Conference in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, and also blessed the Closing Ceremony of the World Peace Conference, organized by the UN in New York. He has visited about 25 nations, including Russia and China.
Since 1989, he has been continuously spreading the Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma, and has worked on different social and cultural activities in India.
Message from Shankaracharya Swami Divyanand
“Love and forgiveness are not for cowards.
Love and forgiveness are acts of brave beings..
Here is the example of Shaktiananda,
She has offered herself,
then She has obtained everything as revelation,
no need to study,
She did not study Vedic Tradition.
How can She know what She knows? Because it has been revealed.
The book She has written is about the different
ways of surrendering to God;
and what She writes is not a reference from other books,
but what She has received in her meditations and states of Connection.
Then, if you see a young Venezuelan girl who has been able to do it,
You can do it too.
Be devoted to God,
A devout life will lead you to the highest glory in the Light.

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