This School is the Plan achieved
Proposing a plan has never been the idea,
rather it is always a matter of cavorting
about the plan offered by life.
To retake the accomplishment with courage each year-after conscious review-
knowing that the plan is one,even if it is ignored, unrecognized or delayed.
The Plan is one.

By way of discharge
This School subsists on, despite and because of the existential abstraction of life and therefore of being, being in its simplest and most sublime nature and beauty. This School is a route in the midst of human transit and has ended up being “lovingly demanding”, a condition that emerges after testing the surroundings, from what is observed from all of this transitory and circumstantial reality, uncomfortable and so many times imposed, moreover, as lifestyle.
Because of this, the sensation of recreating the plan has become more acute, day by day, knowing that the collective imposture does not look like a viable plan. This School vibrates in the subtle resonance of an invisibility with full possibility of perception and intimate reach. This School is the achieved plan for the soul and consciousness. It is the plan to be that “Dasein”, on the sharp “Heideggerian” abstraction, who after ruminating Vedic, Platonic, Aristotelian, Hegelian notions and however many souls whose depths he delved into to obtain the meaning of being, offered this fascinating idea, situating it in being-in-the-world, in its entire existence.
Without complexifying the nature of our existence to such extremes, we know that the being, his life, his existence, all responds to a plan, which is not assembled, but rather, contains the possibility of play and expansion.

Contrast and balance
This School is the achieved plan for the soul and consciousness. I dare say it like that, upfront and openly. Unaware of what it produces or tempts as refutable matter for some. Equally removed from fanaticism or dogma, religiosity or indoctrination. When such a path opens up, it is freedom that is revealed, given as renunciation and surrender, words misunderstood by those who do not experience it as a means of expansion of consciousness and liberation.
These past couple of years, on the eve of the third, estimating what has been produced by the pandemic, it has been shown how difficult it is and will continue to be to maintain the strength of the constant, accepting it as an exercise in resistance and endurance. When that “always continue” was given to me, I thought it was a circumstantial stimulus, but it has become a vital mantra. Without letting go of the capacity for contrast and balance, it has been a titanic task to maintain a light conduit that resists the darkening human onslaught.
Our sentiment is Babaji
An effort has been made so that every initiate of this School experiences this feeling, and we will continue. Hence, own’s sentiment is disposed towards contact. Challenging the most recent human vice: content creation, empty of everything and from which spirituality has not been saved.
Everything becomes mixed-up and confused, trying to impose feigned emotionality on the spiritual essence. This has now reverted to hiding insubstantial and obscure purposes. Wild competition has ensued for those who sign up for that hoax. Seeing this becomes very painful, at the same time that everything that points to diversity brings fracture and fragmentation.
There are few laudable and expansive proposals of virtues and values. We know that ethics lies dying when it is intended to distort, disavow, and devalue. This School will always continue to value and respect all genuine spiritual impetus, and from that we are a School.

From the old School
This School is as old and ancient as we ourselves. Like the atomic cell, the divine spark, the first gene, which proposed human life as a system, evolutionary or not. Having learned, at some point, that “wrongs are healed along the way”, we intuit that there will always be a temporal formula to heal from this disease called life and in which we consume each other.
Regarding the “old school”, we take the idiom to assume our relationship to principles, codes and values that cause us to hold attitudes and behaviors that honor us, as well as the masters from whom we have learned. It is an expression that exalts those who have had the humility to learn and distinguish themselves in acts that do not violate the autonomy and freedom of the other, without sacrificing their own.
As a good old school, it is based on love. The original and primary feeling of this whole adventure. Love as the constant of everything. Radicalized, deconceptualized and decontextualized simplism. Our love is not defined or within reach. It is what we work on.
Without entering into romanticism, or pretentious manifestos or “contents” to please, we have settled on the simplicity of love. Everything is produced under the most loving and strict guidance, having experienced the love connection circuits with the Source that soaked, rubbed, scrubbed and rinsed our soul, and that vitally provides us with everything.

The sphere as a guarantor
As a pillar of certainty, unaltered and immutable, the source-sphere that instructs the School. A stellar lineage of light, source of master consciousness, provided early on by the grace of Lahiri Mahasaya, one of the immortal instructors. Under his guidance we unravel, without deification, the Babaji Consciousness. Understanding and accepting this nomenclature: Babaji. A simple term of love, strength and kindness.
The Sphere is the only guarantee of what I know exists. Here faith may be manifested as a refutable answer, but today I assume it as a state of consciousness, reached after my own rigorous investigation and it permits me to continue, undertaking that as humans we are like that: a colony of individuals willing to disbelieve themselves.
There is no possible oscillation, unconsciousness is resented as a momentary affliction. The Sphere, the Consciousness does not even need faith, it is. The singular goal of a spiritual purpose and a plan like this is to preserve channels of faith with beings who left a pure trail to follow when they consecrated themselves to the Being. What else is needed? And it only remains to gain more faith for oneself.

A School that learns
We learned from our expansive potential, and we began to balance the energy structures to sustain ourselves. So then, by law, it was strengthened. It was when we understood the infinite possibilities of being, of infinite love, of loving forever and ever. Loving it all.
We learned that loving is learned, one learns by loving, knowing how to love. Joining notions that detonate the head, blow the mind, and reset the memory until it implodes and from there, to feel.
We learned to reach the power of a consciousness that is vibrant and that makes a game of everything that exists. Nothing is alien. Knowing that love is the energetic constant that moves and sustains everything.
We learned to dwell in the presence of love. It was the choice of existence. Just as we learned that it would not be easy due to the opposite repercussion. It is fair to say then: who said fear?
We learned to discipline ourselves in our own task, to take care of the pending matters, to coexist under the discipleship correlation, to pay attention to each other, to obtain yields and achievements without the need to compete.
We learned that the decision to love operates as the only law, to weigh life and esteem the most amazing odyssey that is intensified upon awakening.
We then experienced a feeling that reconfigured, revitalized and stimulated us. Realizing that there was no possible space to contain all that, only then did we decide to expand it. This is how this new School was created.
By way of charge

Neither principle nor values
When we were assigned the Divine Values School, we didn’t really know how to take it, although it didn’t take long for us to decipher: principles and values were about to be ignored. And already in this present, all this simulation of integration and correspondence between us is a farce. Separatist, segregationist, racial and discriminatory patterns have been imposed to disintegrate us. Never so unprincipled and so divided.
The Plan to break and corrupt our universal essence is underway and going successfully. Dissociate and distance, from any belief that stigmatizes the rupturing and breaking. Today it points to the fragmentation of status, tastes, criteria, genders. The trench comes to exacerbate voids and create needs. It is strengthened and empowered by letting go of human worth, diminished in love towards oneself and the other. Nothing is conceived from and for love, the stimuli to exalt are dug into the injuries of abandonment or helplessness, victimization and handicap, competitiveness, greed, envy and any other misery to be exalted.
We exist as a fragmented and hopelessly broken human mass. There is no form or process of unification. Not anymore. This Plan moved faster than we could kick our legs out of this system. We have become extreme, radicalized and antagonized into irreconcilables. And we were all present when the sad role of simulating a advanced utopian human outpost came together from politics, economics, social and environmental projects.
We have staged an existential farce of evolution. We are marked by these temporary breaks, the pandemic as the most recent. Followed by what goes by as war, migration, struggles between left and right, monarchical fractures, global impositions of great sports figures, show business, pseudo-politics, indigestible hodgepodge to mount scandals that occupy those who still do not have their own life.
And the succession of events is enhanced by viralization and the excessive use of established communication as an inexhaustible source of events that reach us. Everything happens amid imposed pauses and virtual accelerations, which has disrupted our perception of time.
This is when it provokes me to quote Nietzsche:
“The great landslide comes suddenly… like a seismic shock; the young soul shudders at once, lets go, tears away, she herself does not understand what is happening. From her prevails an impulse and a force that dominates her like a mandate, awakens a will and a desire at all costs, to leave for somewhere; a strong and dangerous curiosity about an unknown world burns and flares in all her senses… A sudden fright and distrust arouse in the face of what she loved, a lightning bolt of contempt in the face of what is called “duty”, a revolutionary demand, arbitrary, volcanic that pushes the pilgrimage”.
And it is also when in this causal correspondence without time or space it is as if the contemporary philosopher, Byung-Chul Han, continued this sentiment arguing the following:
“…Whoever tries to live faster, also ends up dying faster. The experience of the duration, and not the number of experiences, makes a life full. A rapid succession of events does not give rise to any duration. Satisfaction and meaning cannot be based on a theoretical body. A life at full speed, without durability or slowness, marked by fleeting, sudden and fleeting experiences, no matter how far the “quota of experiences” may be, will continue to be a short life.
What will be the path of the future? The time of the pilgrim or the march has been left behind forever. Will man march on Earth again after a brief wandering phase? Or will he definitively abandon the weight of the Earth and work and discover the lightness of wandering, the floating wandering in leisure, that is, the scent of a floating time?”
toGlobalizing the lie
All this global unconsciousness is reinforced by the informational protosapient influence, provider of all data and emerging satiator of the human need to know, to find out, to be informed, to get involved and to remain under the pretense of what is understood today as knowledge.
Today there is an open possibility towards informational accessibility. Filling ourselves with data, facts and, above all, pseudo-news about created realities, has resulted in flow and speed to our recording capacity, therefore, to our memory. This is what has generated a gap. Not being informed means not being, not living, not knowing, not being able to be.
The awakening of consciousness has almost been superseded by the emerging faculty of updating facts. And the world tendency is to want, to be able, to pretend and to impose what one believes to know, be it true or false, reliable or hypothetical, real or fictitious. It doesn’t matter.
This forcing to adapt to virtuality modified our own system. We have expanded our grasping memory to be on par, not only with events but with their follow-up and repetition, which leads us to realities that we believe to be our own, regardless of how false they are, but they have an end: to globalize lies, to make us part of that lie and the most risky, to believe that lie.

Without giving notice or corroborating that the formula of existence, with life and all its progression, that which is known as death and so on, whether under the rigor of the scientific method or inexplicable mysticism, has taken the mythical human impermanence to unsuspected risk. The one that subsists despite the forms of fear, a product -precisely- of the excessive forms of misinformation that beings keep from themselves. That is what is really ignored and everything that leads towards that purpose will be the object of rejection, ridicule and condemnation.
Everything else is known to be expressed in manifestos, edicts, cancellations, vexations, provisions, dispositions and opinions in all spaces given the neopresence in social networks. This added to the exacerbation, the denial, as well as the lawful and legitimate contradictions that have always split us in two. The human being decided to imprison himself in all these systems, strategically provided, to misuse his co-creator condition.
Without further ado, an information crisis has been created that seeks to confuse and thus remain in the inertia that deprives of freedom. From that intrinsic faculty capable of providing lucidity, accuracy and scope to self-knowledge and breaking the human fence that keeps us within humanity. We have to get out of there, from here, we have to know how to get out of our own selves.
On the other hand, the trigger that the information has revealed as symptoms of awakening, must be recognized. As well as some awareness activation and it might sound encouraging. It is not. The vector is triggered as an open possibility of activating consciousness, but the supporting factors are an entrapment. So much distorted, poorly elaborated and falsely verified information has rarefied healthy elaboration, experimentation and entangles understanding, and reformulation.
A weariness and even a generalization spring forth, that once again connote the danger of what is perceived as informative, a rancid mixture of what seems to be knowledge and wisdom.

Simulating Presentiality
It is necessary to abandon this simulation of face-to-face, the pretension to live in absence. Virtuality will never give the pure data of our essence-system. We should not give up our natural, extensible, palpable, recognizable circuits. It is abominable to accommodate ourselves to the succession of repetitive events, without feeling and resenting the suffering caused by facts, people, events and episodes that are always so recurring and well-known. Keeping ourselves in the replica beyond the dynamics of the constant space-time that offers the opportunity of life-experience.
The current sensation is as if the veils had been removed, but the perception is exhausted ipso facto, before the avalanche of massive attitudes that only denote disintegration and despair to dilute, feel and consolidate what is recognized. It is the well-known and predictable massive response to ensure replicating behavior that maintains the status quo, as well as the expected dividends. That is what it is about: maintaining the active gear of the machinery that prevails as order.
By way of recharging
Each Flight Plan is a readjustment and that is why I permit myself the recount, the location and the valuation. Just as I believe that you should do the same. It is not a question of lightening the load, with the right discharge to prepare the recharge that it sustains. It is all of that and more. It is time to assert yourself. They have tried to usurp our soul, kidnap our will and curtail our momentum, and demean our Being.
Let it not sound like triggering conflicts, regrets, even less discouragement. It always goes for the reformulation of what the time factor offers as experimentation, noting its progression, its apparent cessation and the already understood possibility that one is born to die, under the intrinsic illusion of taking advantage of all livable reality.
So, it is not fearing time and its passage, neither accelerating nor decelerating nor precipitating it nor retracting it, it is about the charm of life or death, being the same. It is knowing that the life plan corresponds to the transcendental attitude gained in the constant time-space that holds us, also knowing the vitality of immortality as an existential resource.
This year has greatly sensitized me to the School, moreso. What we have forged as a conduit and achievement of the Plan. I have resorted to every fact that tells me what training in such a School means, signifies, entails. What I have learned from so many people, in so many. Likewise, how we have challenged this humanity with the word school.
It is about a conduct and attitude that dignifies what it is to learn more than to teach. Today, now when everyone wants to teach everything. It is when we must understand that not everything can be assimilated as a burden and the discharge mechanism that begins from the guilt inflicted as religious stigma, going through social restrictions regarding life status (country of origin, social lineage, purchasing power and a long etcetera) remain in the past. It is time to assert yourself. They have tried to usurp our soul, kidnap our will and curtail our momentum, to detract from the Being.
I leave this text by Nietzsche as an epilogue:
“… And Zarathustra spoke thus to the people: It is time for man to set his own goal. It is time for man to plant the seed of his highest hope. His ground is still fertile enough for it. But one day that land will be poor and meek, and no tall tree will be able to sprout from it.
Oh! The time is coming when man will stop shooting the arrow of his longing beyond man, and when his bowstring will no longer know how to vibrate! I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. I tell you: you still have chaos within you.
Oh! The time is coming when man will no longer give birth to any star. Oh! The time of the most despicable man has arrived, the one incapable of despising himself.
Behold! I show you the last man.
‘What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star?’ -So asks the last man, and blinks…
…The earth has become small then, and on it the last man jumps, who dwarfs everything. His lineage is indestructible, like the aphid; The last man is the one who lives the longest…
…People no longer become poor or rich: both are too annoying. Who still wants to rule? Who still obey? both things are too annoying.
No shepherd and one flock! They all want the same thing, they are all the same: whoever has different feelings voluntarily goes to the asylum. ‘Once all the world raved,’ say the most subtle, and blink.
Today people are intelligent and know everything that has happened: so they never stop making fun of it. People go on arguing, but soon they are reconciled – otherwise it spoils the stomach. People have their little pleasure for the day and their little pleasure for the night: but they honor health.
‘We have invented happiness’ -say the last men, and blink-. … They do not understand me: I am not the mouth for these ears. […]
And now they look at me and laugh: and while they laugh, they continue to hate me. There is ice in their laughter…”
Textos recomendados:
Ser y tiempo de Heidegger.
El último hombre de Nietzsche.
El aroma del tiempo de Byung-Chul Han.

Escuela Valores Divinos | © 2022