Flight Plan 2022
by Mataji Shaktiananda

At these heights,
in direct route
to your

In the new installment of the Matrix series, Resurrection, Neo, The Chosen One, is asked if he can really fly. With certain modesty -affected by the fame of a living legend within the resistance squad- he answers yes, with neither hesitation nor compunction. He wasn’t lying. Past glories preceded him, entangled today among virtual realities. Later on, when he attempts to fly, he is unable, amidst the familiar battles of the perpetual threat, he does not even manage to lift his feet from the ground, only with the help of Trinity does he take flight, thus passing through the space-time of possible escape.
Most astonishing is when Trinity observes the setting Sun -the golden hour- it impregnates the shot and, after a kiss, they both launch into the void in order to ascend, thus evading all of the dark rigging. They fly. They fly. They fly.
Shiva-Shakti Force
“Only if Shiva is united with Shakti, will He have the power to act. Otherwise, God could not even produce a slight tremor.”
Adi Shankaracharya
The anecdote serves as an epic to emulate, without clinging to the Wachowski sisters’ cinematic event, libant as they have been of ancestral teachings. Let us rescue, rather, the revealing nod to the feminine energy, an indispensable force for the masculine to operate. This, that does not ring of a feminist aside, far from it. Rather, it is the just complement of the primordial polarities that contemplate the singular force, that which moves everything.
There is no possible elevation while that which is contained is not activated, the Shiva-Shakti force, Yin-Yan, the duality of the two opposing forces that complement each other and that, at these heights, by reason of the mistaken collective trajectories, are also out of control.

Alteration of the polarity
The Masters reveal that, as soul systems expressed in bodies, we have broken the causal axis that reproduces the cells containing the original genome, the matter which conceived the spatial configuration of gender, the chromosomal load that defined the sex. Understanding sex as the “generic” genetic condition. That which demonstrated, by way of form, the potential load of existential considerations that a body would receive. And while there have always been errors, never such as now. The established order has been altered.
The fundamental cause of this rupture is owed to the lack of human resources to respond to the law of karma, and to thus dissolve what drags on as an alteration of the Primordial Law of Love. The consequence of ignoring karma has decelerated genetics, by perpetuating the consequence of actions imbricated with sexuality, above all, the transgressive and the violent, that are neither dissolved nor redeemed with new actions. This does not occur because of the following: the possibility of reverting cause and effect is ignored, thus giving regency to the implacable Law.

made visible
The massive ignorance of the determinant that the law applies is that which does not promote the achievement and sustainment of the principle of polarity. As a consequence -unfailingly- the inexorable burdens that each negating action entails drag on. These considerations, according to the Masters, are made more than visible, to use terms coined by the times. No one could ignore what is happening today.
It is from these considerations that the sequence referred to in the Matrix takes on importance. The correspondence between the polarities for the achievement and activation of the opposite in each other.

Flying is not the limit
But either way it must be achieved. From here, with the pandemic overhead and without overcoming the excess existential weight, both one’s own and that of others, the human tensions in crescendo under the media subsidy, just as the massive disbelief converted into a program of possible subsistence. Even so, it must be achieved.
The mournful sentiment must evaporate, as well as the drama or the hopelessness in order to elevate consciousness. It must be achieved by will, the most genuine and potent human resource, given so that the transcendental is intrinsic to us and so that we eradicate the futile, all at once.
In these “flight plans” the valiant possibility of out-flying oneself will always be appealed to, of abandoning sorrows and negations, as well as overcoming lows and falls. Equally, if we are not marked by major setbacks, if we experience dharma, we will always come from the placid premise of advancement.

The eternal dual flight
towards the One
“Sunless and wrapped in blind darkness are the worlds of those who become assassins of their Souls.”
Isha Upanishad
Few of us now doubt that each life is a journey, a passage, one’s own outlined logbook -far from what is understood as a destination- to experience the transits of human existence. A cyclical plan that keeps us on this earth, increasingly worn out and miserable by the work of man and the grace of the “Great Spirit”, “Wankan Tanka”, “Gitche Manitou” or the very Holy Spirit, however one wishes to refer to the Law.
For this reason, dissolving is a condition sine qua non, so that the evolutionary plan, finally, points to expiatory resolutions of our excesses. To that which equally we add the latent incentive of the other side, the one which lurks, not always being unrecognized or foreign. We know that we are marked by karmic burdens, the past always projects present conditions. It is always worthwhile to recognize the past, solely to dissolve it.
For this reason, recalculating, rethinking, even the most innocuous thing that has emerged from the human mind: “reinvention” (invention of the weak), are resources that have acquired validity. Each one sustains themselves according to the measure of their consciousness. They are viable measures of duality for playing from the innate truth. Finding resolutions that allow for overcoming, with the freedom of one’s own flight, the basic principle, call it liberation, enlightenment, emancipation or transcendence, without lies, inventions or hysterics.

What would
the “re(sol)utions” be?
“In truth it has been said that one thing is that which comes from Birth and the other is that which is derived from the Non-Birth. This is the teaching that we received from the Rishis who revealed the Being to our comprehension.”
Taitiriya Upanishad
Is there perhaps a solution for everything? And the cynical vision of journalist Henry-Louis Mencken would be fitting: “For every human problem there is always a solution that is easy, clear, plausible and wrong.” A lapidary sentence that translates the bittersweet flavor of life. It would be sufficient then to embrace a singular resolution: to be and to do.
We know that we are a system that rotates around the gravitational forces that manage, at the same time, other systems in which, by law and force that orders and reorders the entire living universe, that which manages existence, is exercised.
How could we not believe that events emerge and are precipitated that facilitate, as well as threaten, the plans that keep us recreating existence. How could we pretend not to be subject to eventualities that could be setbacks, in time or out of time, within what we believe to be this non-existent, non-time, a visible reality of the routine event of daily life, occurring in the space-time that contains us.
How could we not know that each day, our strength is put to the test, as well as the will to find resolutions -foreseen or not- to transcend every event or situation. How could we obviate or underestimate that? Hence the recurrence, because: What more visible and conscious reflection of the surrounding celestial mechanics than the resplendent Sun, incessant provider of life? Masterfully and devotedly recited by Akhenaten in his hymn to Aten: “Although you bathe faces, no one knows your designs/It is impossible for man to unveil creation.” The mystery inhibits, certainly, as much as it frightens.
The resolution would be that line which traces over the less common sense of bewildered reason with the more conscious force of loving presentiment. An exact fusion of innate intuition with immediate action. Yes, it is about conceiving inner lights that clarify every procedure for us before the perpetual risk in which this existence places us, a succession of lives with neither purpose nor resolution. The resolution must be definitive: cease to be born, because it would not be necessary nor to simply die. Dying is just an event within the causal-successional circuit of karma-life.

Obtain the strength to reach resolutions
It is necessary to make oneself winged heals, just as Pipaton, the courageous chief of the Yariguies from pre-Columbian dates (16th century), who was able to fly over the jungles of Magdalena Medio, leading the resistance against the Spanish. So feared by his movements that he led the colonizers to the barbarity of mutilating his heels, and even in doing so they were unable to detain him. He escaped to continue fighting battles although, finally, he surrendered himself to die in a friar’s convent. Pipaton ran urgently, with a pressing purpose: to resist domination.
For this reason, the flight deployment must be imagined, planned, circumnavigated and achieved. Attending to variables and eventualities, but that nothing annuls the primordial inner purpose, otherwise antagonistic, to the heavy burdens of sin such as the “original” and the “mortals”, those forms of perpetual condemnation to remain in these plains.

and disorder
“Oh, Great Nurturer, Oh, unique Seer! Oh, Ordainer! Oh, Illuminating Sun! Oh, power of the Father of Creatures! Guide your rays. Gather your Light. The Brilliance that, among all, is your most blessed form. You are the Purusha here and there. You are the I Am.”
Isha Upanishad
The Manichean piece of this game is found on the side of the board of imposed control and the disorder that reigns expressly, validated in misguided presumptions in false values and claimants’ rights which do not apply. Nothing applies to the subverted earthly order today, that which has been seen as the chaos towards the deconstruction of genetics in all its aspects.
This couple of pandemic years has produced a greater resistance, a product of the deliberately provoked inertia. It is as if more reckless channels had been moved that only seek affective incompetence, selfishness, cruelty, as well as indifference. Such an existential disaster increases figures of all kinds, adding to the statistics in which the human has become.
Let us remain with the poetry of Akhenaten in his profound deciphering of this human misadventure of ignoring principles and laws.
“…The creatures that fly and perch,
revive when they see you appear.
You who have made women fruitful,
you who form the semen in man,
who keeps the son in the mother’s womb,
who soothes him so that his crying ceases,
you yourself fertilize even the womb
that gives breath to sustain what has been created!
When the child descends through the womb
to be born and breathe in the air,
you open his mouth wide,
you attend to all his needs.
When the chick chirps inside the shell,
you grant him respite and assistance.
When you have completed his body in the egg,
he breaks it and chirps at the right moment;
and when he comes out of it he already walks on his legs.
How many and how diverse are your creations!
It is impossible for man to reveal them
Oh, unique God, who has no equal!”

Escuela Valores Divinos | © 2022