I am in the will of the Being

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


I listen to the tone and allow it to inundate me,
to enter me,
seeking to share vibration,
for that sound to settle in, to calm me,
and to go on putting me in order.
It is more than music, more than poetry.

If I hold any tension, I release it,
I make the tone help me to release.
How would it be?
Maintaining that frequency in me,
becoming one with that sound,
vibrating like this, and I encourage myself with my breath.

The tone induces, adduces, conducts,
and your Being goes on manifesting,
in what this purpose is: to be in you.
Nothing to seek, nothing to reach,
nothing to find,
it is simply to be in you,
in what you are, as you are.

Maintain yourself in quietude,
it is only the breath that joins,
that executes everything else,
your own music, your melody,
the sound of your soul,
the resonance of your spirit.

And you are there, peaceful,
registering your presence
with all that it is, it entails,
modulating your thoughts.
Let them remain there, but subject to what you do:
to coincide with you, with your essence,
with your formula of the Being.
May they neither be broken nor exalted,
let them remain there as well,
attentive to what you are, to what you do, to what you want.
Tell me if there isn’t mastery in all of this,
ingenuity, and what’s more, will.
You are present, you are, in what your will is.
Why? For what reason? By whom?
Who asks you? Who demands from you?
Who claims your will?
And it isn’t like that, that’s not how it exists,
more than anything, it is given to you.
You are in the will of the Being,
tell me if that is not immense.
Perceive that: I am being in the will of the Being.

The commotion, then, is produced,
that impetus, that force,
that desire to surrender it all, all, all.
Because before all this, that which exists and surrounds you,
in the very recreation that you have made
of what life is, tell me:
For what purpose would you use what your will is?

Who takes advantage of that?
Who deceives you?
Breathe imperceptibly.
Who makes themselves join your will?
Who takes your will?
How does your consciousness advance by reason of your will?
What does your will do with your consciousness?

Perceive how the will in silence,
and the silence in will, feels.
This is the summum of your will.
When you decide to manifest yourself
in the most peaceful and profound state
of what your soul is.
It is the firmest exercise of will.

You renounce acting, expressing yourself,
showing yourself, interacting.
And you retain yourself,
making what you really are, be.
You detach, even from the body, although it is there.
You permit your mind,
and it isn’t that you disable
or falsely control it; it yields.

Your subtle breath, that marvel,
your loyal companion, and what is vital,
your breath sustains you.
And it occurs, you are everything, everything, everything.
and That as well, which has created all of this.

Tell me, how can we not dare of our own will?
To breathe freely, consciously, fully willing,
surrendering oneself, giving oneself, loving oneself, loving.

And the breath no longer exists,
try yourself, it isn’t there.
You pass to another form of breathing,
to another state, to another consciousness,
to what surrender is; believe yourself.
Even if you reduce it to these meetings, believe yourself.

And all of this is what you end up compiling,
storing, reserving,
for what life is.
That, out there, and so it no longer weighs on you,
to the contrary, you will know how to sustain yourself,
to confront yourself, to yield, to share,
to extend, to expand, to offer, to give: to love.
More, to those you know you should.
The others, may they receive what they can.

Breathe now, and the tone there,
announcing the constant.
There will be many, but the constant is one,
as one is he that is.

You breathe and you thank yourself,
and you are pleased to know
what your will is and from whom it is,
and how it works, and what is works for:
for the consciousness that is, that you are.

Breathe deeply
and promise yourself to always be more,
through effort and by will,
to always be more.

Om Namaha Shivaya