I Clamor to Be What I Am

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Go on reviewing your posture a bit,
your attitude, and I could even say your intention.
And that is what you have to be most conscious of,
your intention to breathe,
to execute each breath so consciously,
so present in you, loving yourself.

So, breathe with subtle firmness,
making yourself feel in principle,
what it is to really breathe,
how your whole body responds, activates,
and you correspond to you and to what is,
beyond all of this.

Do not lose concentration or impulse,
nor intention, although thoughts come,
and they even try to discourage you through some memory.
For this reason, keep yourself present,
there where you are, today, now.

Breathing in this way,
your mind is stabilized and what Is,
is quieted.

You will say: What do I contact?
What is there? What awaits me?
What do I seek? Who will find me?
And these notions no longer correspond to you,
The glimpse is of you, the breath is to you.

Do you know how much you are occupied with?
How much they distract you, so many call to you,
moreover, what lurks, tempts.
And what the very collective produces,
at times this torpor of live itself,
at times so much relief,
and more so, what you know to capture as beauty,
in you, in everyone.
What you could believe is, perhaps love,
And you grasp it, you receive it, and you lavish it,
you produce it in you.

And the breath, so attentive,
so still, so quiet.

And you advance in what you believe this contact is.
You will say: How much inhabits me?
And that is when the soul,
there as it is, there where you are, is moved,
in what you perceive.
Is the contact with the soul?
Or is it the soul who contacts?
What does your mind know of your soul?
What does the soul know of your mind?
And they know everything, everything, everything.

What do they know?
And it is what you contain, your information.
What you are, all that you are,
whatever you may be.

You will say: How much do I know, I am?
Does my mind or my soul respond to me?
How is it? Who is it?
Who should? Who is able?
What do I need?
Who responds to me?
Who responds for me?

What is this?
Who am I? Whom could I be?
Who was I? Whom do I want to be?
What frees me? What detains me?

It would be better to utter
a cry, rather than a plea,
or a petition.
I clamor to be what I am.
I clamor to be what I am.
I clamor to be what I am.

You breathe lightly.
You barely breathe.
The breath fills you and you have filled it,
you are conscious, there are no complaints,
you now know what you are and what you have done,
what you do and what you will do,
in the constant that you inhabit and that inhabits you,
and that the subtle commitment is to be
who you want to be.

There would be nothing more than
that which you have done, what you have respected,
what you have well wanted, what you have taken on,
the truth that you speak,
knowing how to love, to contemplate yourself in light,
to identify what your tensions are,
what is hidden, what embarrasses you,
what you now know, is condemnation.
And you try to resist yourself,
there will no longer be a way, there is no longer a way,
understand well, this ends here,
or don’t you see it? Or do you not understand it?
Who do you want to tell you more?
If you have already told yourself, who else?

So then do not deceive yourself
nor try to keep deceiving.
Become increasingly conscious,
more attentive to you, and conduct yourself as it is.
Make your clamor count,
and your clamor is for you.

Breathe deeply,
as much as you are able, and much as you want, and you need.
So much emptiness overwhelms,
do not let this lovelessness paralyze you,
nor let so much disloyalty diminish you.
Elevate your Being, contact in you,
respond to the Law,
love the Being, be you.

Om Namaha Shivaya