Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Perceive yourself where you are,
 being present.

Be conscious of how you establish your Being,

and observe your breathing, slow, deep,
 in stillness, calm.

Make your pronouncement from there.

Before what or to whom do you speak?

Before you.

Beloved consciousness, another day in me,
within my space-time, longing for you.

 I am this,

and I breathe today in your divine breath,
 in this way I pronounce my Being.

Make the breath pronounce to you as well,

that it lets you know who you are and what you are doing. What would you be doing?

What occurs to you?

Beyond whatever this may be,
to meditate, to meditate, to meditate.  

How would you do it?

Beyond what the supposed techniques are.

And for now, it would be to breathe yourself,
 having coincided with yourself today,
 to have proposed it to yourself.

I sit, I quiet myself, I breathe,
I perceive myself; I love myself.

I give a breath to my mind,

to my soul, to my feelings.

 I give myself a breath, knowing as well,

that it is what I need most.

My beloved breath.
Do it consciously, breathe loving yourself,

and perceive what occurs.

And you will say, where does that force come from?

That subtle embrace, that intimate caress,
 that quietude, so at will,

that thought, so indecipherable.

Let everything be answered by the breath,
 the one you produce, being who you are,
 a creature, a manifesto, a being, a soul.

And the breath recognizes itself,

it knows where it is,

 it knows who creates it and for what.

That is when you smile,
because you don’t even know what is happening.

You no longer think about looking for something,

let alone finding it.

What would it be? If you are there,
 if you breathe like this, if you encourage the consciousness, What should you, what do you want?

What would you have to think?

 About what or about whom?

What exists, moreover?

What would you have to listen to?

To whom? Saying what?

Sustain yourself there,
in your most valuable gravitationality,

 which would be your subtle achievement,
 forget about forms,
depersonalize yourself and surrender to what that void is,
the silence itself,

which pulsates, that beats

and that is what pronounces you the most,
 your sustained silence,
trusting like this, in you,

without anything obstructing you,
 no fear, no guilt.

And the silence, the breath itself,
the precise contact,

 the mind in memory,

and your soul in fugue, to the inner space,
where everything dwells.

It is when it provokes you to stay there forever,
where everything is, where the Being and the consciousness that you are dwells.

I breathe being what I am.

I breathe deeply until I feel my chest,

only to recognize the force and power,

the only thing that exists, the only reality,
 the purest dwelling place of the Being:

my humble heart.

I breathe and perceive it strong,
 open, constant, sacred.

I breathe likewise,

to give thanks for all that I have perceived,

and more than ever,
committed to the force that Is,

the one that sustains me, the one that leads me,

the one that permits me, the one that drives me,

and the one that discerns not to harm or hurt,
 or pretend, or lie, or deny.

I breathe knowing that it is the way to heal.
I give thanks, I give thanks, and I give thanks.

Om Namaha Shivaya