Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Become present, situate yourself here,
 make a brief intimate introduction,
to you, by you, referring to what you are doing right now.
 It is about what you think being what you feel,
what you want, what your truth is.

Become in your purpose,
in the will that moves you,
and commence that more than conscious breathing.

Every breath intentional
and performed exactly,
with all that you contain and with what you know how to take in,
becoming conscious of your entire system,
what it is to remain like this, 
 balancing yourself, quieting yourself
 and recognizing this that you are.

Observe how you are breathing,
 how you elaborate, how you demarcate the quality
of each breath and what it produces.
Perhaps a clearing? 
Do you go on becoming lighter?

Each breath introduces prana,
 and that is where your work begins, in that, your laboratory.
And you have to prioritize your neural circuitry.
Notice how prana circulates, how you react to it.

And beyond the physicality that occurs,
more happens; you nourish yourself etherically, pranicly.
You attend, you provide.
And, although thoughts are produced,
they are quieted, they accompany you,  
and that is already an achievement,
 that being the decision.
They neither confront you nor disturb you,  
nor obstruct you, they from you, they are with you.  
And they yield, they yield before you, they recognize you 
and they know what you are doing.
You breathe with satisfaction.

Experience that,
how that intention occurs,
and it remains there, without definition. 
Disturbance is not elaborated.  
That is produced by your breath, in communion,
with which your mind remains absolutely enabled.

You are there and it doesn’t seem like it. 
Who are you there, like that?
You go on opening the space with each breath,
with such a feeling of stillness.

Dare toward more, give yourself confidence,
breathe without fear, believe in the moment,
assume your capacity,
reflect your interior, accept the Being,
record the emptiness, clamor for the silence.

Of course you can do it
 if you abandon forms, doctrine,
 dogma, belief.
If you don’t strive to pretend something 
or to be someone, nothing like that.

A breath, a living being,
an awakened soul, a full consciousness, 
a beating truth, a steady breath,
an eternal constant, the Force that Is.

And all that remains is to feel the love that you are,
without defining, without awaiting it,
because it has always existed, 
it always has been, you have always had it.
It has always, always been.

The breath ceases, it is not necessary.
You suspend yourself in the void,
 nothing and no one shows itself,
you do not exist.

So then, why do you suffer?
Why do you deny?
Why do you complain?
Why do you harm?
Why do you fear?

The breath encourages, it encourages you.

How much do you believe in this drama?
How much do you produce it?
Why do you lend yourself to it?
Do you perhaps not remember it?
You were love, you were light, you were principle, you were truth.
 What happened to you? 
Did you disbelieve yourself? Did you distrust yourself?
When will you stop? When will you quit?

Propose to yourself, promise yourself,
rescue the purpose.
Make your way, get on your way.
If you haven’t done so, start;
purify yourself recognizing yourself,
attending to everything that you know weighs on you,
more so, reluctance, but above all,
 that which pushes you under.
And it would be all that which you know 
doesn’t permit you to rise.
Do not lie to yourself, you know well all that Is.

You are consciousness, even if you pretend, you are consciousness.

Breathe deeply 
considering the moment, 
the inner achievement, the mind that could,
the strength you gave yourself and the commitment created.
 You do it for yourself.

You now know, with the breath you can do everything, 
beyond living, which is a lot.

Breathe in gratitude, 
deeply, and become present.
You gain nothing by being absent.
Your Being needs you alive and active,
conscious, but more, being truth.
It is the premise of consciousness in light.
There is nothing more. The choice is yours.

Om Namaha Shivaya