Attend only to your breath, concentrate
and become sensitive to this action.
Breathe with will, with desire,
deeply, at a free pace,
conscious, very conscious.
That even as you are, you can enjoy.

And in this way you permit
both breaths and thoughts to be regulated.
And that the breath,
without coming to invalidate what you think,
little by little, goes on dissolving, quieting them,
and that a serene, stilled breath remains,
that allows you the moment and you can perceive yourself
just as you are, right where you are.

And that what you perceive is so pleasant,
that your stillness, your silence, your healthy idea of yourself,
of what you dare to do and be,
offer you this moment.

And nothing happens to you, nothing occurs to you, just you
and, in a way, trusting yourself.
To be here, to be like this, is to trust in yourself,
to know yourself in so many ways,
and what could be more beautiful,
to want more from you, to know yourself more. And you trust.

How much do you trust yourself?
Are you attentive to that?
How are you able to dialogue with yourself?
What do you say to yourself?
What do you say about what they tell you?

How much do you listen?
Do you listen to yourself?
Do you trust what you say to yourself?
And you breathe.

What makes you feel, how capable you are of announcing yourself,
of asking yourself, of answering yourself?
How do you perceive that communication?
And you breathe.

How much do you contain?
How much do you produce?
How much do you need to tell yourself?
 In what tone? About what?
Are you trusting in yourself?
Do you believe you can trust in yourself?
And you breathe.

If you perceive it, do you trust your silence?
Is your silence reliable?
How much does it hold?
How much does it express? How much does it hide?
And you breathe.

It is that, you have to make a decision, you should.
Above all, because it is irremediably necessary
 for everything, for everyone.
You have to decide to trust yourself more,
despite what you contain, even intuit,
in many ways reflect, 
and more so, knowing what you do,
your way of acting, which in the end, is what you are.
Do you trust in what you do?
And you breathe.

What quality, of what nature,
what do they determine, what do they say,
 what are your actions like?
Are they to be trusted?
What do they make you feel? Good or bad?  
Over what registry do you go on acting?

And the breath is so still, so brief,
so silent, so quiet, so sublime, so from you.

So, do you act trusting?
Can your actions be trusted?
And you would have to, you should,
more so, if your decision is to make yourself completely trustworthy.
That is living, that is wanting and knowing how to live.
If you haven’t been able, that is learned.
If you haven’t wanted to, review yourself.
Everything would have to start from what you find in yourself.

And to continue deciding with this that I am,
with this that I feel, with this that I want:
I want to be, I want to trust that I know how
 to exist in That, in That which I know, Is.
You can call it faith, if you want.
Faith in which, because of what you are, because of what you feel,
because of what you do, you trust.
And you could also be trusted, and you decide.

What would it be good for?
For everything.
So that you know and can be more,
and to know how to love, to give trust,
to create respect, to be considerate, 
to value your own, to permit forces,
to be love, to offer yourself love, to offer love.

And you breathe, trusting deeply in yourself,
in what you are creating, in what you are preserving
and conserving in yourself.
Trust to the fullest, more than love.

Earn your own trust,
accelerate processes, be truthful,
establish renunciations, detach yourself,
manifest your faith, make yourself purpose,
be brave, be brave.
Be brave in truth.

Only if you produce truth,
could you trust and make them trust.  
Would you be conscious?

Breathe deeply,
if a thought appears, 
let it be of love for you.
 Quietly, whisper: 
I love myself so much and I will be able to more.
I love myself so much and I will be able to more.
I love myself so much and I will be able to more.

I surrender in gratitude before myself,
and I know that this is how I pronounce the Being,
my beloved Being, my beloved consciousness,
my eternal light.

Om Namaha Shivay