It would be opportune and prudent
for you to inwardly pronounce your name,
or whatever you like to be called, and breathe for a moment in it,
making yourself present and having it reverberate in you
 and connect you with yourself, with your blessed and sacred name.
How you are known and you know yourself here,
 to the extent that you have wanted and have allowed it,
until it goes on being diluted with each breath,
until you are left with only your breath,
which is your very presence.

Go on obtaining brief, yet deep breaths
that will sustain you there, in your divine presence,
and may your presence be enough for you.

Every breath, an instant of you in you,
conceiving your state, the one you have reached, the one you are working on,
 the one in which you settle to exist,
the one with which you inhabit this daunting planet.
So breathe with your breath,
let it be enough for you,
for you to be able to go through every circumstance,
every situation, every fact, with strength.
Each transit, every process,
every adventure, misfortune, with strength,
with the strength of your breath.

Look at the millions of us that we are,
and what do we do?
Do we bow more to blessings or curses?
What do you believe that the wars respond to?
What do you believe the shortcomings show us?
What is the basis for the abuses?
Those who wound, those who kill.
What do they obey? How are they formulated?
What is the substance from which evil is configured?
Where does it reside? Where is it?
What’s in it? Who? Why does it express itself?

And you breathe there,
trusting in yourself, in your strength, in your breath.

What is it that exists?
Is it so? Is it for this?
Is that why we insist on living here?
To manifest what?
Doesn’t it seem absurd, petty,
contradictory, unworthy, to come from so far away,
 circumventing circumstances, to destroy?

Breathe and do not hold your breath, flow well,
do not deprive yourself, flow well.

Do you think this would stop?
Do you have any idea when?
Do you see the reasons?
 Do you trust in something?

Do not cut off your breath
or allow any pain to come over you.
Flow by breathing well,
taking in just enough, holding on to just enough,
and releasing more.

Value yourself.
Appreciate that you know how to close your eyes,
 you know how to breathe like this, so bravely,
and you dare to cry out for calm, inner peace.

And the breath endures.
And breath provides.
And the breath calms
And nothing is detained, everything stays the same,
the evil does not cease or become tired.
It persists, it attacks.

And you, breathe.
May the breath support, nourish your strength
and lead you to suspend yourself,
 which would produce and cause, that more and more, your state is elevated,
 which would be nothing more than overcoming
 what you live, what is lived.

And the breath yields,
 your state yields and it becomes quieter,
it reduces, subtly.
And the thought yields, it doesn’t attack you,
whate else for, before so much?
It is not that it is inhibited or overwhelmed,
 rather, it finds something in you,
that state of your Being, awake, open,
 trusting in what life is,
in everything that exists, in everything that happens.

What happened to us to want to be, to live here?
What did we miss?
What did we forget? What did we remember?
What do we need?
Who, moreover?

And the breath intuits and becomes of your state.
You remembered yourself.
You came for yourself.
And it wouldn’t even be a encounter, which one?
And if you came for someone, whom?

Take charge, awaken more,
breathe steadily, attend to the Being,
 produce, elaborate, construct,
all for good.
Do not even get close to those who do not, not anymore.

You bring, you contain, you are a plan,
 the only one: to love.
So then, to ignore yourself more
 to give in more, to let yourself be deceived?

Understand what your breath does,
recognize your strength.
Watch what you do, value yourself by loving yourself.

Always dare to live what is,
 whatever it is, trust in yourself,
 in what your state achieves, knowing who you are.
And get to be in even higher states,
loving everything, accepting everything,
not letting yourself be devastated, not doing harm,
 not through deception or derision.

Persist in knowing how to love,
 it is what you came for, it is the planet that needs it,
it is your Being that can and must.
And it is your name, your blessed name,
 that I take with me, knowing who you are
and what you intend to do.

Here you have to bring and propose love, that is all.
Do not be confused, do not be intimidated,
do not let yourself be crushed, we are millions.

Breathe, be present,
feel alive,
recognize yourself more and more in the Being.
Breathe in gratitude
and leave here being who you are:
the most vital, firmest, and most loving Being that exists.

Om Namaha Shivaya