Keep complete concentration on your breathing,
at your natural pace, do not seek anything else
or cause yourself any restlessness,
everything you do, will be fine.

If you seek attention, in your breath only,
 attend to nothing else.
If any part of you wants to distract you,
do not attend to it.
Some discomfort, some resistance, nothing, you’re not there.
You are only for yourself.

So breathe serenely,
as deeply as you require,
until that which requires something,
is calmed and just wants calm.

In spaces like this, observe, capture, what occurs.
If you need more, breathe more.
It tends to be the mind that translates every requirement,
 so focus on her, breathe for her,
 until she is quieted. If only she knew how wonderful she was,
 she wouldn’t fret so much, she wouldn’t permit it.
But somehow, she knows that there is so much in you, that,
how is it reduced? Quieting it? Hiding it?
 And that is why you breathe.

Evaluate your breath, graduate it,
attend to it with confidence in yourself,
in the face of how insecure the mind feels
in a moment like this.
It almost always resolves to become agitated, and your breath calms it.

Everything goes on dissipating
and you require fewer breaths.
It is that the breath doesn’t require anything.
Let it finish doing the task,
 let it end up being subtle,
your subtle breathing, your subtle breath.

Let no thought attempt anything
before your subtle breath.
Let no fear elaborate anything,
that’s what you breathe for.
 You go on perceiving yourself in your warm state of Being,
 with your warm breath, which envelops you so much.

And it is your precious state of conscious permanence,
knowing that you inhabit, that you live, that you act,
and that you always, always, always,
hold a purpose. Whatever happens, wherever you are,
you hold that purpose. And that if you breathe, it is for that purpose.
And that right now, nothing else exists
The breath knows that and that’s why it is produced,
 pronouncing nothing.

And the purpose isn’t even stated, it is felt.
There would be no sense to define it or express it to you, it couldn’t be done.
 And you breathe so subtly, so imperceptibly.
 And a nothingness is your breath, a nothingness.
 It is when the purpose discovers you,
 it is discovered and discovers everything.

You are love itself
You are love itself.
It is when the purpose reaches you,
 do not think you reach it.
He reaches you.
So what is the anguish? What is the rejection?
Why the resistence?

It is that you are the purpose itself.
What greater love?
That they have you,
that they hold you, that they accept you, that they love you, as a purpose?
What else is there? Where?

And if you are able to perceive it, even more so.
That is why you are what you are:
the greatest, the greatest love possible.

The breath ceases,
it is in its purpose.
The breath ceases.
Sustain yourself there.
You do not even require it,
it does not even require you anymore.
Immense, everything immense. And you let go, you let go, you free yourself.

You breath deeply and attend to the breath,
 as well as the moment,
in which you now know you are present and you are,
you persist in the now and breathe there.

You thank yourself,
with deep love and respect,
 you thank yourself.
For your effort, your courage and your understanding.
You thank yourself for the purpose and you thank what Is.

Om Namaha Shivaya