Before the commitment of life, it remains to breathe.
and take in goodness the word commitment,
 more so, on a day like today,
 may your commitment be to love yourself.

So breath in a committed manner,
assimilating your life as it is,
a unique opportunity to love.

Breathe deeply,
with intention and with commitment.
Let each breath tell you each time more profoundly,
how profoundly you love yourself.
And you feel how each breath
is produced with love to love yourself.
May the most beautiful part of this commitment
be how you breathe and, may that produce love for you.

Elaborate thoughts, right now,
that say to you only this:
I love myself, I am loving myself,
I want to love myself, I know how to love.
Love is everything.
Concentrate on all those breaths of love
that you want to take, because you love yourself.

And say with firmness:
My breath loves me, I love to breathe,
because I know that that is life,
without it I would not exists, I would not live, I would not love.

 How many games in this life, how many moves,
how many ways of establishing oneself here,
of wandering around, doing what? Wanting what?
But in you a most exact formula has been given,
to maintain yourself in this breath, to do so consciously,
to know how to listen to yourself, to encourage yourself to do
and, above all, to pronounce yourself.

To do what comes, what emerges from you,
by way of what you are,
pulse, heartbeat, breath, a vibration,
your form of energy, the one that makes you, permits you to modulate yourself
 and, to be present in what all of this system is.
And the main thing: your breath.
Perceive how you do it, how you have now learned,
what your breath pronounces. And it would have to be love.

How is it defined? How is it understood?
How is it translated? What is love like?
Do you believe that one would have to be very wise
to obtain some sensible answer,
 or rather impetuous, about what love is?

How is your mind doing? What does it tell you?
 And if you believed that your mind is love,
that it is the stronghold of love?
You would jump to say: And what about the heart?

Breathe with your mind. Breathe with your heart.
And do not permit them to establish competitions,
let each one do its task,
so that between them they perceive and move toward an achievement.
Make your mind love your heart
 and make your heart love your mind.

Let everything that your mind emits respond to your heart,
and, all that your heart feels, be what your mind pronounces.
It would be the greatest of your achievements.
It would be the extent of your perfection.
It would be to be.

Perceive how you breathe now,
when you open yourself and every possibility exists
for it to happen, for that to be.
Perceive the serenity,
you are loving yourself, have no doubt.
and you are loving as well, do not resist yourself.

You will ask: Why would I do that?
Because of fear, always.
Although you don’t identify it, although you don’t choose it,
fear selects us,
precisely when we fear.

So free yourself by loving,
there would be so much… there is so much to love.
And to think that we inhibit ourselves, we punish ourselves
and we dare to reinforce so much misery,
of that same one that leads us to lovelessness,
to mistrust, to deception.

You breathe with firm purpose,
without so many doubts, remind yourself that mind and heartbeat, ,
 because you have achieved it,
and that somehow shields you, strengthens you, elevates you.
It is as if from such reach,
now nothing dark, nor dense, nor horrible, could reach you.

You have already chosen, you already chose yourself, you now know of yourself.
And the breath also knows what you are,
what you are doing
 and you breathe with a hint of joy,
of splendor, of communion, of latency.

It is that love is… love is… love is…
in you, for you, through you.
And, from there, from how sublime it is
and how remarkable you are, you love.

 What more? Tell me what more?
What more could one want?
What else is needed? What more do you seek?
What more could be found?
What else exists?

Make your day, become your truth, always love more
and you will always be, always.

Breathe deeply, breathe consciously,
breathe today, breathe present, breathe. 

Om Namaha Shivaya