Prepare yourself, take a breath and propose to breathe.
Be conscious of each breath,
of the manner in which you do so and the desire you have,
as well as that which you have to be there, in disposition in you.

How would it be?
How would the desire to meditate be expressed?
And you only have to invoke yourself.
Perhaps it would be very ambitious to know who one is,
but we have to get closer to what we are,
with serenity, with profound respect and with immense love.

So, maintain yourself there,
knowing each breath, so yours, so vital,
so given for this and, what you provide yourself:
a space like this in you, of some stillness,
procuring quietude, but above all that,
loving yourself a little more.

Meditating is not much more, so breathe,
becoming you, what you really are:
a marvelous being, with infinite possibilities
of finding everything within its reach,
and, let your only concern be to breathe consciously,
 only offering space to that.

If your heart beats in anguish, breathe.
If some inquietude arises, breathe.
If some fear ensues, breathe.
And trust that you do it well, as it is, as you are.
And that each breath goes on quieting everything,
 all of this undetainable ruckus.
 And you begin to express silence,
within what the tone is.
 And everything comes together.

Your breath, the tone, your silence
and certain candor upon knowing yourself to perceive,
upon knowing what you contain, and what moves you.
You contain life,
this one in which you are today, and you permit yourself so much.
You would know how beautiful it is, what you do so to make it so.  

You will ask yourself: How beautiful is life?
 Is my life perhaps beautiful?
Taking record, moreover, of what the planet is,
of all that exists, of how it functions,
of how we operate in it.
From the interests formed, the situations caused, 
what we have inhabited as systems
and, and what we call working here, is all of that beautiful?
And you know that it is not. If you say that it is, you lie.

You will say: Was it ever? Will it ever be?
Not really.
Because it’s not about it being so, how?
It is when you would have to appeal to your available time,
to extract and extract yourself from the moments,
all of them beautiful. All of them.
Think on one, breathe in one, produce one, consider this.

Everything is beautiful,
more than you could have ever imagined,
more than beautiful, supremely beautiful.
 Breathe there, breathe now, breathe in you, beautiful Being.
Sustain yourself. Face raised, body upright,
soul open, subtle breath.
Never anything more beautiful.

That is what Is. Nothing more.
Or do you await announcements? Some surprise or another?
Or that it be the other who is able, who permits you,
who produces you, who provides for you,
who gives you the exquisiteness and the beauty?

And look what man has created,
but nothing and no one, as the creator who Is,
that prodigious consciousness that inhabits everything,
that did, does and will do everything.
The beautiful consciousness of which you are a part,
the one that is in you, because you breathe it and it breathes you.
The force of everything, the principle of light.
 And you are there, breathing in this way, feeling this way, being this way.
What greater beauty?

For this reason, do not distract yourself, nor perturb yourself,
nor delay yourself, much less resent, this is how it is.
If you breathe wanting, you will turn off every bad program,
every false projection, every uncontrolled illusion,
and you will be able to feel what Is, what does exist.
And you will know how to return and prescind from this,
you would no longer have necessities, nor forms of attachment.
Divine suspension. Weightless space.
Consciousness in the beautiful void.

Breathe now, with strength, with vitality,
knowing who you are and where you are
and, what could be better, what you want.
You breathe deeply and thank yourself for life,
so much goodness and your beautiful plan:
 To always be more.
To Be always.

Om Namaha Shivaya