When you breathe like this, how do you feel?
Do you believe you achieve some serenity?
Do you consider it in any way, being well?
When you breathe like this, do you feel well, are you well?
What would it mean for you to be well?
Do you appreciate the condition of being able to breathe?
Through which, yes, breathing like this, you should feel well.
So, breathe under that condition,
empowering yourself, profoundly,
making everything stabilize.
Observe yourself.
How much do you permit yourself to be in quietude?
Do you achieve that attitude? Because it ends up being so.
Propose to maintain yourself in quietude.
Put your breath in order, do not permit yourself variations,
a constant rhythm.
If you alternate, if you poorly modulate your breaths,
you become distracted.
And the one who observes you is your mind,
the one who remains attentive and believes it,
but not attentive, on the contrary
expect this, that you give it a rest,
that you attend to it, in this state,
to which your breath brings it, to feel itself in quietude,
to want to be well, calm, attended to by you.
If it is possible for you, be content.
See how it disposes itself?
It doesn’t become disturbed, it doesn’t annoy, it doesn’t complain,
it is content in its quietude,
that which you offer it and that which it offers you.
If you begin to think:
For what reason would you be well?
For what reason would you be content?
Do you need one?
Wouldn’t this attitude, this form of your will,
this sacred time, this form of knowing how to be in you,
to please yourself, be enough?
That in spite of the fact that you’re going what you’re going through,
you get close to yourself, and you remain there, containing yourself.
That if any fear arises, it does not affect you, it does not detain you.
That all of this is so precise,
so coincidental, so exact, so perfect.
Just imagine all that is occurring
in this precise moment, anywhere,
in the midst of so many situations,
and you are like this, conscious of all of that and of you
and, that despite all of that you can say to yourself:
“I am well, I feel well.”
And you breath there, imperceptible, not at all mechanical,
pure breath, pure goodness, all attitude.
And you remain, in that perfect attitude,
immersed in you and at the same time,
so nowhere, so in the nothing.
How could you not thank your breath?
How could you not feel life?
How could you permit you, permit yourself, to do what Is not?
How could you let yourself break like that?
How could you dare to fall?
How would you justify, to any degree, not being,
not doing anything other than good, carrying out actions,
responding in light, loving more?
And the breath, a perfect formula
of your whole exercise, of your excelsior system,
a force given by the Source that loves you so much.
Creature, attend to yourself, breathe as it is,
Become conscious, always refer to what Is,
distance yourself from what is not, do not harm, be purposeful,
permit the truth in you, never the lie,
determine an achievement, love yourself, trust.
Always be present, before whomever, where one Is.
Now breathe more, with force,
as if you nourished everything,
as if everything nourished you,
as if it were all nourishment.
And for my part
I thank you so much, I thank you for everything, more so,
your presence in me.
Breathe deeply, give thanks for your goodness,
always breathe well, be good.
Om Namaha Shivaya