I briefly review myself; I perceive myself
and, any disturbance, any discomfort,
irritation, I deposit in some part of myself,
so that it will be susceptible to my humble
and loving breath.

I trust in my breath,
knowing that it is everything and I delight in it.
Likewise, if I feel happiness, joy, satisfaction,
let it be my breath, that enhances all of that,
thus permitting me, to know how to be, to be in me,
knowing also that, regarding this exercise,
the idea is, to not even be.
Rather, to dilute oneself, to disintegrate
and, that what this permanence is,
one is able and knows how to transcend, to elevate oneself,
even to distance oneself, from all that this life,
generates as tension, inexactitude and limits.

Breathe so that you know to perceive yourself in another state,
in a way of detaching yourself, that is hardly common.
It is as if you went on forgetting
who you were and where you are,
and that the most gratifying, most complete, most sublime memory, could ensue.

What would it be?
What would your most precious memory be,
within what all of this programmed structure is?

And it could always be
your first singular breath, the first one,
not even from this life,
not even in a life like this.

A breath that could have filled you,
that established an integrity in you,
that granted you a principle, in you.
That awakened a consciousness in you
and granted you freedom to be.

And you danced, you danced, and life enraptured you.
And you enraptured life!
And you began to learn what life is
and, to know, also, that you could even engage life.
You learned to conceive life,
knowing that the breath was, is and will be.

How much life is your breath?
How much breath is your life?
How often do you want to breathe and how often no?
How do you breathe today?
How much life do you contain?
Are you alive?
Is your breath life? Or is it death, as well?
How alive are you?

Breathing as you believe,
are you living or are you dying?
There is a difference, and you may not know it.
Do you breathe to live?
Or do you breathe to die?
What prevails?

Are you breathing or not?
Because if you breathe, you must live.
If you live, you must contemplate so much,
because it would not be sufficient that you barely show up,
to what your life is.

If you are living, you must obtain what you are
and more so, what you remember.
And more so, what you forget.
Your forgetting, could kill you in life.

What will you do then?
If being alive, you die.
Do you know how it would be?
Remembering yourself hidden,
letting yourself be reached by what your shadow is.

You will say, how much danger does my shadow contain?
All. She is the owner of your oblivion.
And your soul, is the force of your memory.
Do you remember your memory?
Your memory is Him.
The Principle in you, that is to say, you,
being who you are now today.

And the breath is nothing, subtle, subtle.
The breath is internal,
with what you already contain,
with what is in you.

And what exists? What would you have to forget?
What would you have to remember?
Nothing, you should be there, being like that,
permitting that breath to be your heartbeat, your pure heartbeat,
from what would be the space, that your heart is.
The most immense space of pure breaths,
of those that love achieves, only love.
Only love, in a constant of action in light.

You will say, and my shadow?
Where is it? Where does it exist?
What does it do in me?
It hides you, it inhibits you, it diminishes you, it denies you and attacks.
It attacks love.

It is better that you breathe, and you achieve the heartbeat
and, in the manner that you know, you bless yourself,
you alleviate yourself, you reconcile with your Being
and you propose to yourself in firm breath,
to only breathe in light.

Breathe that,
until you want to breathe again,
consciously, being present.

Become present, breathe strength,
 and thank yourself for the goodness that you contemplate,
by wanting to be, by being here,
by pronouncing yourself in you and by wanting to love yourself like this. 

Breathe more and return.
You will be fine.

Om Namaha Shivaya