The Truth Encourages More

Meditación con Mataji Shaktiananda


Begin to animate yourself.
Make it so that your breaths enliven you,
that they encourage you, they give you confidence.

Observe well how your breathing is going,
how much fluidity, how much lightness.
If you feel some congestion, some tension, breathe releasing it.

Make it so the mind is lightened,
do not respond to dense thoughts
and, if you feel them, breathe them. 
Begin to perceive what you move so close to you,
and it begins to become clear what,
in this way of arranging yourself,
you begin to receive, as well as to give.

Continue observing your breaths and concentrate on them,
until it becomes the only thing that you do.
It does so much for you,
that simple concentration, that subtle fixation,
that manner of corresponding to yourself.
And, what’s more, offering yourself encouragement.

By not having a way to breathe,
you are an inanimate, dead being.
It wouldn’t just be about this physical body,
there is so much more in the breath,
 in breathing, in the perception,
in the sustainment of this system,
in your integration.
From there, the vital, the indispensable.

You will say, how much encouragement do I need for life, in order to live?
All of it.
And you will say: what does it consist of, to contain encouragement?
It would be so much, it encompasses so much,
within these systems
in which we graft ourselves and we form a part,
enlivening natures.

One must know how to contain the force that is.
It is when, as perfectly configured systems,
we enable mechanisms that produce as energy,
what that force is.

Is it life that should animate you?
 Or is it you who should animate life?
What does the formula consist of?

If you understand everything that life itself is,
it is perfect disposition.
You would lack nothing, in all this vast expanse,
plethoric of elements,
fully powered by exact photons.
What would you be lacking? Nothing.

But what has happened to us,
that we have covered up all of that?
We have hidden it and today it is difficult for us to find it. 
You do not even see it, nor do you perceive it, nor do you seek it.
You settle for how darkened everything is,
with the fixed realities that, as scenes, take place.
And you believe them, you believe you live them,
 you believe they are your life, and you forget yourself.

And the encouragement?
As they always say: “through the floor”
What floor? Where is the floor?
What you step on, is that, it remains there, you are there.
And if you breathe? And if you seek to elevate yourself?
And if you acquire it?
It is that not even encouragement. You enter into your connection,
with all that you are, all that Is.
You do not even need encouragement, you are everything and more,
you are consciousness, you are force, you are light, you are.

And the breath barely exists,
you have entered into it and you are now the disposition itself,
of the Being that Is, of the open consciousness,
awakened, infinite, constant, beloved.

Will you continue believing the scenes,
however devastating they are?
Get out of there, encourage yourself more, more and more.
Do not show laziness, nor dissimulate love,
do not tempt, nor let yourself be tempted.

Breathe in this way, connect yourself in this way, respond to yourself in this way,
suspend yourself, gravitate,
that is the way to elevate yourself to leave from here.

Do not become impatient, do not accumulate burdens,
do not become disoriented, overcome the lovelessness,
choose the light and encourage yourself always.

Breathe deeply,
contain from that what you are able,
what you need, what you want.
Keep it in you as long as you are able,
although you collide with reality once again.
Maintain yourself without losing the encouragement that Is.
Remember, where is the floor?
It doesn’t exist.

Encouragement always .
The truth encourages more.

Om Namaha Shivaya