Relax your face, feeling pleasant.
Likewise, make your body feel relaxed
and, at the same time, attentive to you.
Even more relaxed, your soul.
Permit that it remains joyful in you
and reach a rhythm of quieted,
calm, deep breaths.

Do not permit anything to disturb you, help yourself by breathing,
centering yourself, aligning yourself,
setting that rhythm.
Let each breath nourish you and liberate you
of every tension, worry, resistance.

In the measure that you increasingly substantiate each breath,
you become more subtle, you release weight
and you go on producing that state that is so intimate,
so vital, so personal and you remain, you remain in you,
although you well know that you, you do not remain there.
You have another location, you reach other spaced,
you contain the faculty, the virtue, the power,
to be and to be present where you want, when you want.

For this reason, you should find it gratifying to remain like this,
in this state that you seek and that seeks you.
It is that, consciously, you go on installing, first that quietude,
that immobility, that says so much about what your capable of.
To have dominion, to gain stability, to sustain yourself in confidence
and, most of all, to know yourself like this, to explore yourself in this state.
Let it be that breath that commands everything. Test it.
Later, what goes on being executed internally,
that achievement of calm, perceiving your mind disposed to this,
accepting that the breath, more than controlling it, alleviates it.

And the thoughts occur,
but they impact with calm.
It is not that they are detained, they pass,
without destabilizing you, without attending to them, without disturbing you.
The breath commands, now more imperceptibly.

It is all a matter of working this system
and, letting it work for you.
Let it be in these moments, in which you seem to detain yourself,
that you mobilize yourself more.
That, without escape, you internalize what you are,
in what you feel, in all that you perceive.
From that you have a marvelous result,
remember that it is so.

The breath integrates everything.
Because what you seek in reality, is integrity.
More than a dispersion, more than an evasion,
you seek to integrate yourself with all that you are
and, that in part, you do not recognize.
To all that which exists and you ignore, to all that is lived,
and you act with indifference.

Your breath integrates.
More than a perception,
it goes on producing the most immense feeling.
It would have to be that, a feeling of integration.
And, from so much, there is nothing to interfere.
There exists nothing and no one, that perturbs you.

The breath helps and the feeling grows.
It is a simple feeling, not at all disquieting.
Nor does it produce anything major for you.
Rather, it is a plenitude, that you know well,
that leads you to integrate yourself into the full constant of all that is and exists.

And that you are so much, that you are able to do so without a single necessity.
Not one. Nothing calls to you, you do not want anything, you do not expect anything,
more than to be that, in full integrity.
And, the best thing, That, wants so much,
that you know how and are able to integrate yourself in this way.

The breath may even cease
and you are still there, you still remain, until you burst,
in total integration, you burst.
and the force that Is, supervenes
in total silence, in absolute sentiment
and you do not conceive anything, it is you who is conceived.

Do not seek more, do not seek anything,
just keep your feeling intact,
of love, of purity, of constancy in light,
of force of will, of kindness, of courage,
of exactitude and loyalty.

Increasingly establish purpose and be firm,
in these times of weakness.
Choose well,
create certainties and encourage yourself, above all.
Keep yourself intact,
if it is that you also preserve, that necessity.

Breathe deeply, return to you,
keep calm, give thanks to your being.
Give thanks.

Om Namaha Shivaya