Permit me a game:
you will briefly open your eyes
and, if you dare, look at me, and I will do the same.

Could you imagine how much longing one contained
to look at you, to breathe you?
This is not about a subtle complacency,
nor a minor desire, nor would I say a necessity.
I wanted to fulfill an act of love and I thank you.

So then let us breathe calmly, with our own breath
and establish what exists:
an unbreakable bond of unconditional love.

Observe then, your breath, deepen it
and do not permit anything to disturb you,
not even the slightest thought,
sedate them one by one, in the measure that they appear,
seal them with what your love is.
Because being like this, is an immense act of love
and what reinforces it most, is this trust,  
in what I am, in what you are, in what we are.

What are we?
What are we?
What are we?

If you ask me what or who you are to me, I would tell you: everything.
And I do not lie to you, it is so.
If I ask you what or who I am to you,
I would suggest that you consider me nothing, no one.
And we would be even, it would be perfect, it would be what is.

I would like to tell you how it is that this very breath
has been, is and will always be the same,
a singular, immense, sustained
and profoundly conscious breath, so much so,
that it produced the encounter that Is.

If you knew what each encounter has meant,
that we have chosen, moreover, a space such as this,
that in some instant has produced that which Is,
and that we would have known all that it was,
that we were, that we are and that we will be.
And that it has been the product of this breath,
of this life, of this time, of this space.

Breathe as much as you can and more, as much as you want
and celebrate that, this possibility,
this opportunity, this encounter.

I can tell you more: I awaited it.
We built this life for that, and I breathe for that.
I admonish you to not resent, to not judge,
to not even complain, for all that has happened to us.
We played this whole adventure attempting so much,
risking so much, wanting so much.

And things happened,
events arose, we established guidelines,
we committed resources, we neglected causes.
But, most of all, we established a purpose,
firmly and together and, that sustains us.
The breath sustains us so much,
this one that we achieve, serene, conscious, stable.

Attend to this achievement, value it, be moved
preserve it, thank yourself.

Our encounter,
our vital encounter, our singular encounter,
our beautiful encounter.
Breathe it, there will be no other.
And, as far as I know,
I have nothing more than to accept,
what has been the greatest thing that this life has given me.

Breath because today I think, perhaps the only thing, that I love you.
And that I wanted to return to obtain more strength,
more strength, more strength,
of that which we know how to create.

We now know what it is to be present,
what it is to feel presence,
what it is to create presence,
what your presence it.
And I repeat to you, it is everything.

Never abandon the presence that you are.
Always nourish yourself from the force that you are.
Trust more in all that you are.
Always consent to be.

Breathe deeply, attending to the moment, 
become conscious of this moment, record it.

Breathe deeply, thank yourself.

Om Namaha Shivaya