Search until you find yourself breathing peacefully.
Do so deeply, seeking also, your serenity.
In some part of your interior, that dwells, more so,
if you have worked on your consciousness.
And breathing is the basis for obtaining that,
beyond the simple act of reaching the vitality to breathe.
You have to aspire to encounter that,
whatever you are going through.
You feel lacking, overwhelmed, dissatisfied.
Carefully attend to your breath and it will take care of you.
Briefly perceive your sensations,
if you are stuck by some concern.
If your mind races, simply breathe,
because what occurs is your connection with what you are.
It is the moment in which you disconnect from everything else
and you go on turning off your senses towards the external.
And you cannot imagine what is turned on within,
what is mobilized, to offer you quietude, precisely.
And your breath does it all.
You go on perceiving that
and it is not about you seeking it excessively,
that would confuse your mind, which, when it wants to, serves you in goodness.
But it is not there, and she knows it.
Distinguish a bit, measure, the quality of your silence.
If it makes noise, breathe.
You have to find the most perfect silence.
It is as if you delve in, and the tone sensitizes you
from those conduits that do not brush up against the senses.
Rather it projects itself as more than what your vibration is.
And you find yourself vibrating in what your quietude and your silence is.
There is no feeling, there is no sound, no sensation.
And though is like a vibration as well, that encounters no contents,
that does not express or pronounce anything.
It is though that vibrates, it is divine.
But do not remain there, as in that ecstasy.
Do not be satisfied with that, encourage yourself to more,
with that, your breath, imperceptible, silent, profound.
Make it so all that vibration, equally, inhabits you fully,
permit it, more so, if you know something of yourself,
of what you maintain there, in your voids.
Trust in yourself, in how well you know how to do this,
in how much you need it, in what it produces for you,
that is more of you. Permit yourself to become that.
And although you respond to a form,
you have this powerful body,
a mind inhabits you and you respond to reason,
permit yourself more, open yourself.
Do not seek anything, in reality,
everything in you is an encounter
and your breath makes it possible.
And what you want occurs, you expand.
And the mind permits it because it knows,
because it wants it that way as well,
even that you are that, your very consciousness,
inhabiting you, inhabiting, what all this is
and you, lovingly permitting it,
knowing that the consciousness is what it is,
what has been created, by reason and according to what you are.
For that reason, you must believe in yourself, trust in yourself,
know how to live in yourself, permit yourself what you want,
knowing what you are.
What do you believe happens when you are like this?
What do you believe you produce when you inhabit
all space and all time?
When you are that, you are everything.
And then it happens, and then you are and there is nothing.
For that, what would you have to encounter?
Certainly nothing?
When you permit yourself to perceive that, it occurs,
joy takes place, and a liberation takes place,
so that there is no anguish, nor tension,
nor fear, nor exaltation, nor confusion.
You are perfect.
You breathe trusting, you breathe deeply
and you are filled with gratitude, there is nothing else.
All that exists or that you believe exists, is not.
There is only this, you will soon know.
Do not permit life to overcome you, overcome it yourself.
Make every instant bring you consciousness.
Make every act, make you true.
Make every breath, permit you to love.
Make yourself a purpose.
Breathe deeply, with understanding,
with strength, with will and with acceptance.
Surrender in gratitude.
Surrender to your Being.
Om Namaha Shivaya