Breathe calmly and deeply,
at your leisure, at your pace, according to your necessity.
Review the desire you have to be like this, with you, in you.

How much do you want to?
Because everything should end up being fascinating to you,
to be like this at will, isolating yourself for a moment, in order to, at the same time,
be present and be in everything, with everyone and to know how to feel well,
in the midst of everything, to feel well.

You go on breathing with satisfaction, plenitude, joy,
without interferences from dark, sinister passages,
that tend to hide themselves there, in your lurking mind.

Breathe, making everything move toward a splendor,
a faculty that you cultivate.
You go on placating everything
and you see how the body responds, it is quieted.
And the mind imitates and diminishes the internal voice,
it goes on quieting as you breathe
with such will, such purpose, such surrender.
You surrender to yourself.

Everything goes on clearing and you go on clearing your thoughts,
so that they do not even hide themselves.
They know how to pass through you without disturbing you, without bothering you,
without distracting you, the breath achieves it.

And there is space. In you, there is space.
At the same time you form a part of the space.
The space becomes space,
you do not seek to contain it, nor that it contains you,
but rather empty it with that subtlety that your breath achieves,
with that lightness that you perceive,
with that plenitude that encompasses everything and more.
Not even a space could do that.

If something assaults you, do not evade it, recognize it.
Establish some firmness, something more than an intention  
and, what it could be, if you propose it, is an action.
Everything would stem from one word
that could frighten you: renunciation.

Breathe, because you would have to employ,
use, utilize, internalize it,
from your most elevated consciousness.

What you would have to achieve, by will,
is to execute a firm plan.
You will say, what should I renounce?
In principle it would be what you are not
and more so, what you have decided to no longer be

What else? You will say.
There would be so much…
If you permit me, I will bring you closer,
because you would have to consider more and more.
And you would have to open yourself, unfold yourself in this, your space,
in which you have decided so many times to share.

Renounce then, one who occupies a space in you.
Renounce one who exists on you, but whom you no longer want.
Renounce what you feel is no longer from you, nor for you.
Renounce the lack of love.

That should be your most important renunciation.
If you do so, you will see how much more there is in you, for you,
because of that decision.
And there have been so many times in which you have said to yourself:
I renounce the abandonment, I renounce the misery,
I renounce the recklessness, I renounce the pain,
I renounce the hidden.

May each renunciation, resonate more.
More will come, and you will see, you will feel, you will be able,
to feel more and more, what your space is and,
what exists there from you.

Always dare yourself to more,
renounce the deception, renounce the misalignment,
renounce those who harm you,
renounce the void of your misfortune, by wanting to be,
by wanting it all, because it is possible.
You, are everything.
Accept that, breathe that, trust in that,
never renounce that.

Maintain yourself there, in what the gravity of your space is,  
with all that you are.
Go on breathing consciously, in deep plenitude,
in gratifying encouragement, in inhabited truth,
in that resplendence that you work on so much
and in that firmness that loving yourself gives you,
upon becoming a renunciant of all this evil.

Breathe deeply,
never exhaust yourself, cultivate firmness.

Breathe and thank yourself always for this will,
of being like this, in you.

Om Namaha Shivaya