Ratify yourself by becoming present with your conscious breath.
Say internally, I am present here, here I sit, here I am.
And let that make its presence in you.
Maintain that breath, deep and serene, balanced.
Gain more presence, that which gives you just the right breath.

Feel how you go on igniting.
You will say: How does one feel that?
And, in the measure that you breathe, that goes on occurring.
It is when your conscious mode avails you
and you make it so that everything in you goes on being activated.
There are times in which you could feel it, others no, and, it wouldn’t matter.

You go on igniting each one of your circuits
that go on manifesting, through this, your intention,
of becoming in your presence and breathing in it,
trusting absolutely in yourself, in what you know you are capable of,
in what you now determine as your necessity and, finally, in what you are.

You want to be and to do this, you want to align yourself,
to give effect to what your proposal to be, is.
Each breath reaffirms you and ratifies that for you.
You maintain yourself there, immovable,
giving strength to that quietude.

You no longer even seek your breath,
nor do you permit that it seeks you,
you are now in the state in which it is expressed
by way of your heartbeat and you play at suspensions,
each time more daring,
that go on providing you with internal states,  
of profound plenitude, in which you do not notice
any thought, any memory, any disturbance that would distract you.
Your immobility is associated with your vibration and your expansion.

You will say: Expand myself for what?
So that you give yourself reach, to reach what you want
and so that all that is given for your reach, reaches you.

What do you think you can aspire to today,
when you know that you are surrounded by a plural manifestation
of what the Mother, Is?
How do you believe you could give reach to that blessing?

Do not lament, do not feel yourself invalidated,
do not resent abandonment, or reinforce any shortcoming,
to the contrary, become present with some strength,
without forcing, with appearances, do so in a natural way.

Your presence, is now strength.
Your communion, is now strength.
Your surrender, is now strength.
Your conviction in you, is now strength.

From that strength, implore more,
with subtle breaths, implore more.
It is when that form of holding on, so lovingly, occurs,
and you feel that you are held by something that does not let you go.

And you dare to say this:
Mother, I become present in you,
as I am, your beloved Being.
Mother, nourish me more.
Mother, protect me in your shelter.
Mother, I am close to you.
Mother, I offer you my strength.
Mother, I accept your goodness.
Mother, I am in your love.

You remain there, contained in the breath,
without any necessity, in plenitude, filled with everything.
There is no space in the void, there is no void with space.
The breath is not taken, it is contained
and you sustain yourself there in suspension, retaining everything.

Adored, powerful and blessed Mother,
I am in your presence and your presence is everything in me.

Until you breath in gratitude,
giving thanks for so much goodness, so much unconditionality,
so much love, so much strength, so much light.

You breathe, pleasing yourself in your presence,
thanking yourself for being here.

I truly thank you, for making me be,
the Mother that Is.
I surrender to you,
be blessed, beloved Being.

Om Namaha Shivaya