Report your presence, let yourself know that you are here,
with some phrase that is loving and profound for you.
In this way, the one who should, will know.
At times we attend to so many inner ‘I’s
and we do not even take responsibility for ourselves,
we leave them restless, trying to be.
And there exists only one, your living essence,
the one that responds, the one that attends, the one that wants this
and only wants to surrender.
For this reason, breathe for her, for that, your essence,
the one that more and better is nourished by what you breathe.
Breathe serenely, concentrating on each breath,
with the rhythm that you impose, with the necessity that you demonstrate,
with the will that you have and, the longing, the most beautiful.
Make each breath denote what you want,
grant them that quality. Each vital breath.
If you feel any sensation of entrapment,
of confinement, containment, breathe to see.
Sometimes the mind does this exercise,
wanting to crowd part of your inner manifestos, the lesser ones.
And they make a racket, even scandals, they resemble torments.
Breathe, you have none of that, nor do they have you.
There as you are, just as you are, just breathe.
If you permit yourself to perceive something, at most, something in the chest,
that moves and stirs there, with some effect,
almost extensible, if you barely notice it.
And your breath modulates it.
If you like, intensify it and breathe for that.
Do not seek much more, do not attempt anything,
just sustain yourself there, in that condition, so one’s own, so fascinating.
Let nothing assault the moment.
It is not that you’re inhibiting anything, to the contrary, everything is being liberated.
Any thought, however intrusive, however obsessive, does not find you.
Any sensation, wherever it may be, you do not register.
You will say, should I feel myself? Feel something?
Try not to. What could it be?
What or who, could produce you some sentiment, in a state like this?
What would you want it for? Barely breathe.
You will say, what or who do I contact?
What sensation or sentiment would silence give you?
That which you contain, the one that in moments like this, takes place in you.
What sensation or sentiment would the love that you hold produce?
And it is that; it is sentiment itself.
And you comprehend that it produces you calm, stillness, tranquility.
And you breathe because if you quiet yourself more, it would be peace.
What sensation or sentiment would the Being manifest?
And it is even the very brief, still breath, barely imperceptible.
It is when that space that is recreated in your physique, in your body,
in the center of the chest, beats in plenitude.
Guess what it comes in contact with? With all that exists.
Could you imagine? That you are there, present,
in life, existing, beating, with all that exists.
Appreciate the heartbeat, appreciate yourself, immense Being.
Look at what you’re capable of.
Appreciate the instant, if it no longer exists!
All else, ends up not existing, although you believe it does,
although you feel it does, although you still want it to.
As you are able, as you want, release love,
that which you consider, do not worry about reserves, you have no idea.
You will say, what or who needs the love that I am?
And when you do that, you cannot even imagine the love that you receive. Immense.
Breathe it.
If it tingles, pay no attention
If you want, smile, slightly.
Remain a moment, neither oppression, nor pressure, it is only liberation.
It is that it is your substance, you are that.
And you do not even remember, nor do you propose, nor do you approach, you.
Breathe deeply now, attending to the moment,
recovering all of your presence.
Assisted in breath.
That is for me.
Assisted in breath.
Breathe deeply, thanking yourself
returning to your here, now.
Breathe deeply.
Om Namaha Shivaya