What should you consider when you are like this, when you feel like this?
What occurs to you?
Does it not seem to you that it is, that it is about,
 one of the most beautiful moments that you keep for yourself?
And respond to yourself: Who are you, that you do, that you want, to pronounce yourself in this way.  
Consider then, feeling well, feeling loved,  
feeling conscious, feeling yourself in you.

Go on breathing in order to pronounce the moment in this way,
so that it is your breath who pronounces you,
who pronounces your silence, your quietude, your state of Being.

Advance each breath, as if it were the only one.
Do it vitally, do it deeply and consider registering yourself like this.
May this moment register you,
because in reality, these are your great moments,
apart from all that you do, it is there, like this,
when you can be more you, bringing yourself, as you do, to an action such as this.

Meditating is an action, the most sublime,
in which you gain quietude.
It is the action of quietude.
Your mind is quieted, as agitated as it sometimes is.
Your speech is withdrawn, as excessive as it sometimes is.
Your heartbeats and pulses are combined
and they go on attenuating to the measure of your quietude.

You leave space then, for your soul.
It is your soul who meditates.
It is your soul that makes itself felt, so that you feel nothing.

Perceive how you reduce the breaths
and how little you need, almost nothing.
And the soul breathes you and attends to you and calms you.
Do you love your soul?
Because it is she who loves you.
All else that configures you, depends upon her
and at times you are not so clear about that. She is.

You will say: What is the other?
And it would be so much, but what is more,
is that which is installed, that is established, that is strengthened,
that is impregnated, in what your spirit is.

Breathe because it is about what you well know
tries to govern you, to dominate you.
And it is that other you, that you have permitted to do with your soul and your spirit,
whatever it well pleases.
And you could see it as a structure,
something that is armed, that you compose, that you nourish,
that you recognize and ignore, that plays with you and you with him,
that you plague with vices, that you deposit with darkness,
and that you occupy for yourself.

It is when he begins to occupy you and tries to ignore
what your soul is and you become confused and, you begin to deny yourself.  
You even deny your soul.
I will not even name him, not here, we are meditating
and he knows that he is not invited, to the contrary.
And he knows moreover, that, if we meditate, it is so that he does not exist.

Breathe with a joyful soul,
perceive when you do it and how you receive an influx of what your love is,
the pure, the one that is from the very Source.

And it is there, perfect, absolutely perfect,
fully loved.
What divinity! What enchantment! What love!
What beauty!

And the soul there, joyful, trusting, splendid,
pronounced in you.
Beloved Being, beloved Being, beloved Being.

You go on breathing, containing yourself, considering continuing,
so breathe deeply, as much as your chest gives,
as much as your abdomen gives.
And retake your force, to nourish what your soul is,
your immense soul.

Give thanks for being and for wanting to be like this,
one who meditates, one who knows how to meditate,
because you want to.

Breathe deeply.

Om Namaha Shivaya