You concentrate, taking each breath as if it were the first.
Concentrate on that and do an exercise, who knows if from memory?
How many times have you taken a first breath?
Concentrate on that and recreate an instant
in order to feel how much you live, how alive you are and, what this produces for you:
To want to live, or not? To be in that breath?

Focus on the successive breaths,
not letting a single unconscious breath escape you.
Make it so that you produce, you want, you need and you await
each one and that it satisfies you until you remain there,
collecting that encouragement that each breath gives,
knowing what you do and your mind as well,
that is opened before the event and accompanies you and breathes with you,
recreates the breath and, permits you everything, it permits everything.

Those breaths, so serene, without any startling,
so deep, knowing well, what produces them.
And in principle it is your life,
your life makes your breaths and your breaths make your life.

And the mechanism is to fill yourself, as well as empty yourself.
It is the sensation, the action, that is most moving,
because it is your nature, the most elemental, the most primary,
not basic in this way, because you know well the complexity that knowing how to breathe,
knowing that you breathe, implies.
All that Is, is breathing.

To have armed yourself with a perfect system,
to have decided to want to live, to have dared to be born,
to choose your relatives, who would be willing in you, for you.
To agree to advance in what one believes is to grow,
to make commitments to yourself, with others,
to give yourself opportunities, all those that you acquired for yourself and for offering.  

And your breaths there, attesting to your actions.
Each breath records, consciously or unconsciously.
Do you go on marking or unmarking yourself with each of your breaths?
And, with distracting yourself now, nor evoking, take breaths,
whispered as they are today, although all sorts of breaths assault you,
in memory, suffocated by pain, agitated by pleasure,
broken by lies, deep in love.

Breathe because you are when you breathe.
Timid breaths, perhaps out of fear, perhaps the most.
Value your breath today. How well do you know it?
How much plenitude do you feel? How much peace?
How much truth? How much joy?

And without being attentive, without being concerned with the breath,
sustain yourself there, without negating them, may they neither subject you nor mark you,
because you are now able, you now know, you now exercise the non-breath.
Try and each time you will feel less suffocation,
less drowning, less urgency, more will to Be.

And you sustain yourself in tranquility, managing to feel,
what your truth is, if it exists,
what your peace is, if it exists,
and the love that you contain, if it exists.
It is when you shine, you absolutely shine,
you shine unmistakably, and you trust.

Find your breath once again,
let it recuperate you, so that you recuperate for yourself,
the desire to be present, the strength of the Being,
the will to remain and to trust in yourself.

Breathe deeply, knowing that you are here,
that you live here, because you want it to be so.
Conserve yourself for your last breath,
from your love and your peace and your truth.
Conserve yourself.

Om Namaha Shivaya