Reach for each breath and, let it be enough,
so that you can manage all of your internal fluids
and so that you maintain yourself there, in you.
Make each breath unique.
That you are able to feel them as they are,
all of your breaths, your life force
and that attainment, being in life, living.

Make each breath produce life for you,
this that you live and that you want to live,
if it is that you esteem some greater purpose.

The breaths are modulated, they are conditioned toward what you want.
It is your purest mechanism
for being able to do what you want and be what you want.

It is the attainment of this entire system that you are
and that is linked to all that Is,
in the most perfect way.
Imagine your capacity to breathe it all
and, equally, to be breathed.

Because as I have told you, there exists one who breathes you,
who takes from you and, in doing so, equally stimulates you to be.
It is a formula; it is a conjugation
and it ends up being an attitude of life.

Breathe fully, making use of your entire system,
the one that, at the same time, nourishes your other systems,
the incorporeal, the subtle, the invisible.

Make each breath transport you to where you want,
until you divest yourself of this form,
so beautifully useful, so operationally perfect,
until you find yourself with something or nothing of yourself. What does it matter?
And you can perceive, just simply perceive, what you are.

Perceive it. Perceive yourself.
You are in the attitude, in the attitude of being.

And you perceive it as a liberation of mute thoughts,
of blind sensations and you breathe knowing that,  
 from this quietude, everything in you moves
toward the absolute space that you are, far from here.

You perceive yourself, wanting to observe nothing.
What would there be? What would it be?
And you breathe so briefly, so imperceptibly.

You will say, with what or with whom do I find myself?
And the mind in freedom, the sensations detained,
the emotionality non-existent and the sentiment pure, gives you the encounter.
What would you want to encounter? Whom?

And no one happens, nothing happens, but you feel,
until not even that occurs.
The plenitude is something else, the encounter is empty, but it fills you.
You encounter the silence and you sustain it,
until finding nothing.
That would be your purest expression, a lightness,
a pure force, and expression so unlimited, of that which Is, of what you are.
Tell me if this is not an encounter.
The most divine encounter.

And it is produced in this way,
in life as you are, breathing like this, here, in you.

How does it occur? What or who produces it?
Your attainment, your purest attainment.
Do you know why?
For what you feel, for what you know you are:
a manifesto of light.
How do you make it possible?
Being you, being truth, being love, being.

Celebrate your attainment, celebrate your decision and your will.
Celebrate the love that you are and the trust that you give,  
being like this, a blessed expression of the Being.  

Breathe, thank yourself, remain firm,

and sustain your attainment.
Breathe deeply and become present here, now, in you.  


Om Namaha Shivaya