Breathe with tranquility.
Try to feel each breath
and let them make you feel present.
Let each breath be conscious.
Let yourself know that you are breathing.
And more so, if you already know how to breathe well.

What would it be to breathe well?
It is that you could supply yourself with this fluid
that exists here, on this planet.
That you know how to introduce it consciously into your system
and that you understand its vitality.
That, likewise, you utilize it for what your life process is.
And that it serves you to establish yourself in the present that you live,
in which you feel life so much.
That is knowing how to breathe.

I know that you know it.
I know that you breathe well. So well!
And that you like it and that it pleases you.
That you accept breathing your present,
that will also depart.
It is that you could not even retain what you breathe.
It departs.

So, maintain yourself there, breathing consciously,
Do not evade thoughts or sensations,
permit them to depart as well, let them pass.

All that you breathe like this, so consciously, does its task.
In principle, it is to stabilize you,
in the midst of the quietude that you offer yourself. 
It stabilizes fluids, oscillations, pulsations, heartbeats,
and you maintain yourself consenting to your Being.
That which inhabits you and that you inhabit.

From the stabilization comes the attainment.
It is when you go toward your deepest, innermost, instances. 
Your real states,
toward what your perception of yourself would be.
The one that you already know.
And you go on reaching yourself in the manner that you want and you are able.  
In reality, it depends upon you.

What attainment do you have?
What would you want to attain from yourself?
Do you know your attainment?
Do you at least intuit it?

Experience, perceive, trust.
Permit yourself more.
Do not persecute yourself so much, or become debilitated or afraid.
Take a chance.

When you are able, suspend yourself there.
Do you know what for? To elevate yourself.
How? You will say.
And it would have to be by prescinding.

Prescind, even of yourself,
of all that you know of yourself and do not like.
Of what you cling to without reason.
Of what you depend on without necessity.
Of what you want without aspiring.

Even the breath is suspended,
allowing you to expand yourself.
There is only that, the silence.
The expansion of your own mind,
with neither space nor time.
Without knowing itself. What would it need to know?

And thoughts escaped,
tensions were alleviated,
you disinhabited yourself.
Not even the contact.
With what? With whom?

You could continue
and you could even detach yourself.
But you are living and that is why you breathe so pleasantly.
That is why you know that all that you live is so unreal,
so falsely created,
from what you still invent,
you believe to suffer, you reproach, you resent.
Free yourself from that.

Breathe with greater calm and let yourself be attracted
by this, your gravity.
The one that equally, you have created.
Meanwhile, you think of your elevation.

Breathe easily, breathe deeply,
seeking to coincide once again
with what your Being is here and now.
Breathe deeply, steadily.

Thank yourself for the moment,
the intention, the achievement.

Om Namaha Shivaya