Breathe deeply, fully,
as well as naturally and calmly.
Abandoning all discomfort, all weariness,
any bad recollection of what your day was.
Do a full review
of your attitude in this moment,
in which you define something, in which something defines you,
being in yourself, with you.
How much do you want to?
How long can you be like this?
How much do you need it?
So, breathe, trusting in a real
and opportune necessity of knowing how to remain in you.
The most subtle, most complete way is by breathing.
In this way, you are making the best record,
of your state of Being.
And it is not for you to evaluate yourself,
but rather so that more and more,
you learn to adjust yourself, towards what you truly are:
a complete, placid Being.
You should trust that it is so.
So then, breathe trusting.
May it be more, and more and more each time.
It should satisfy you, that you know how, and you are able
to coincide with yourself in this way.
And you can consider
how to introspect, how to know yourself,
as well as review all that you feel,
that you aspire to, that you have obtained
and above all, give thanks.
It is for that reason that you continue,
you persist, and you attend well to your state of Being.
You have known how to elaborate a plan,
to establish a purpose and how to coincide,
within your state, with so many others,
equally of you, who are in you,
who remain in you, who are of you.
That should lead you to want to breathe as well,
until reaching that imperceptible state,
in which you breathe so subtly, so openly.
And it is when it is your Being who breathes.
From here, from where you are,
knowing who you are and why you do this,
increasingly seeking new states, more elevated states,
those that exist in the consciousness.
Breathing subtly,
you go on considering, you go on valuing yourself.
It is when the recognition takes place, it is perceived,
now almost without feeling anything.
It is how you reach this state of elevated consciousness,
the one that does not express anything.
It is not a question of you understanding something that you ponder.
Rather, it is a state of dissolution,
that becomes constant and increasingly easy to reach,
when you dedicate yourself to this, to you.
You dissolve fear, you dissolve anguish,
you dissolve desires, you dissolve sorrow.
And your breathing persists,
because it knows it has to.
Although it seems that there is ever increasing distance
towards all that which you no longer recognize of yourself,
let it be the best nourishment of your elevated purpose,
of establishing increasing closeness with the consciousness that you are.
You will ask: How many consciousnesses exist?
An infinite number.
But it happens that, among them, they coincide.
And, even if you do not believe it,
it is a wonderful event.
It is what happens, that they recognize each other, they resemble each other, they intuit each other
and they commit to persisting, to existing,
to make that supreme plan, a truth.
It is for that reason that you encounter affinity,
resonance, memory, with beings like yourself,
who await, who await you and protect you.
It is when the consciousness persists in being.
In being what?
What it is: infinite light, infinite love.
There is no other purpose in the consciousness.
So be a part, be that.
You already know how to achieve it and that is what is wonderful.
Your breath, your state, your purpose, your attainment.
And, what is most marvelous, you are present for all of that.
Breathe deeply, resume the instant
in which you are here, in which you are.
Keep yourself in the consciousness that you are.
These are not times for boasting.
These are not times for weakening yourself.
You already see all that happens.
But you now know,
that one always has to know how to Be.
Become purpose.
Breathe deeply and thank yourself.
Om Namaha Shivaya